👨‍👩‍👧‍👦#WeKeepUsSafe: Black women don’t owe Kevin Samuels anything

WCG-DC commentary: We view any person, anybody, who builds their brand by tearing down black women as a threat. We don’t need you & we don’t want you. Not putting up with it

Any Black man who decides to build a name for himself by tearing down Black women is disgusting. Period. Point blank. There is no excuse for that. 

Monique Judge – storytelling is a revolutionary act http://moniquejudge.com/

Samuels didn’t just stop at hating on Black women, however. He took it several steps further. 

  • declared Black women who are over 35 and unmarried “leftovers” 
  • dismissive of single women with children, and he said that if a child told their mother that the mother’s boyfriend or husband was molesting them, they shouldn’t believe the child.
  • influenced people who were fans of his “advice” to also come down hard on Black women
  • profited off of his own people by creating even more toxicity then there already was
  • He did a lot of harm

“Upon hearing of his death, Proverbs 11:10 came to mind.” –Ink Stained Wretch

“Glad he’s dead. He was a failure with 2 ex wives and no assets to his name. Couldn’t keep a family together and couldn’t amass wealth despite him labelling himself a “high value male” he was poor. Disgusting creep.” –NickyManchester

“Didn’t know the guy but just based on some of his own quotes…not a huge loss.” –Pepper

“He’s turning blue, must be the Viagra.” –Sagon Penn

“He was an unmarried man in his 50’s who spent a lot of time claiming women who were over 25 and unmarried were damaged beings.” –Vistaprint

“Men over 55 can’t do much even with viagra. He was less than leftover,” – Callusedmystic

“If this isnt the incel movement in a nutshell. Ripping apart women who are 30plus and single. Meanwhile he dies alone with a “woman of the night” he just met. Men are a joke” –Jill12

“Lmboooo. God said enough is enough!”-Msvirgo0789

“Why does he get away with saying these stupid things I wonder? Anybody else would have been canceled. I wonder where the zealous virtue signaling liberals where when he was vomiting this hate?” –lisaswetz

“Ironic that he spent his life disparaging loose women, only to die alone on a booty call.” –ur favorite girlie

Legacy: He literally died alone with a one night stand because he couldn’t follow his own “advice.” BS artist died a hypocrite.

Black women are being told to ignore all the nasty things Kevin Samuels said, all the stereotypes about them that he helped to perpetuate and the million or so loyal fans who are doing their fair share of trash talking Black women in the wake of his death—all of this Black women are supposed to step over as we put on our smiles and say nice things about a man who never had a nice thing to say about us.

The so-called “man” wrote his own eulogy. Don’t get mad now because everyone is reading it.