Rogues’ Gallery

A collection of profiles of nations suspected of genocide and kept for identification purposes (duck test).

an origin story of conquest

From “The Art of Peace: Engaging a Complex World” by Juliana Geran Pilon, Chapter 10: Intelligence Deficit

The first book of the Old Testament reveals the shocking fact that the first murder in history was committed by the first son born of human parents. Still worse, the victim was his own hapless brother. Cain had become enraged at God’s seeming preference for young Abel’s offering. Yet despite God’s urging Cain to master himself, and not allow sin to “crouch at his door,” adding that the young man had nothing to worry about so long as he did “the right thing,” Cain was unable to back down. He couldn’t stop himself: luring the unsuspecting Abel to a field, Cain attacked and slew him, with no sign of hesitation or remorse (Genesis 4, 1-8).

When God confronts him after discovering the crime, Cain responds insolently: “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?”

Though God, incensed, banishes the unrepentant murderer, and curses him to become a fugitive and a poor vagabond to whom the earth will yield nothing, He is ultimately merciful: not only does God let Cain live, He places a sign on Cain’s forehead indicative of divine protection. If this seems contradictory, it need not be. Leon Kass explains “Cain may at this moment glimpse the difference between a god to whom one sacrifices vegetables and the God who takes notice of, and who is outraged by bloodshed (and who, at least for now, provides even for murders).

This story is remarkable on many levels. Consider for instance that Abel is murdered having done nothing deliberately to anger his brother. Nor, in retrospect, could he have possibly done anything to avoid the circumstances that led to his brother’s envy and rage. Too often we think that others’ enmity can be avoided if only we do what is right and try not to upset anyone; unfortunately, it doesn’t always work. Never mind being ‘kept’ by one’s brother; even blood ties may fail to prevent being murdered by him, if his hatred is too overwhelming, whatever the reason. God did not prevent Cain from killing Abel. Cain eventually humbles himself, ends up dedicating himself to his family and building a city. Yet that city, observes Kass, is “founded in fear of violent death, but first in fratricide”. God, it appears, had meant to warn his children from the outset.

Origin Story | Repeat Offenders

This epic recreation of the American slave trade atrocities is the first motion picture based on historical facts about the rise and revolt of slavery in America. This movie is still the most accurate film about slavery ever made. Yeah it’s disgusting, revolting, perverse: BUT IT ALL HAPPENED. The Detroit Chronicle hailed it as “a graphic, moving, nerve-paralyzing film.” Virtually unseen since its abortive theatrical release more than 50 years ago.

Balibo Conspiracy | Pipeline Rape, Murder & Forced Labor

War correspondent Roger East and the young Jose Ramos-Horta travel to East Timor to investigate the murders of the Balibo Five in 1975.
As Indonesia prepares to invade the tiny nation of East Timor, five Australian based journalists go missing. Four weeks later, veteran foreign correspondent Roger East is lured to East Timor by the young and charismatic José Ramos-Horta to tell the story of his country and investigate the fate of the missing men. As East’s determination to uncover the truth grows, the threat of invasion intensifies and an unlikely friendship develops between the last foreign correspondent in East Timor and the man who will become President. BALIBO is a political thriller that tells the true story of crimes that have been covered up for over fifty years.

Burma, Doe v. Unocal | Pipeline Rape, Murder & Forced Labor

Beginning in the early 1990s, two Western oil companies, Unocal (US) and Total (France), entered a partnership with the brutal Burmese military regime to build the Yadana natural gas pipeline. The regime created a highly militarized pipeline corridor in which it violently suppressed dissent, forced local people to build pipeline infrastructure and porter for the military, forced entire villages to relocate, and committed torture, rape, and summary execution. Shortly thereafter, Unocal was acquired by Chevron.

GENEVA (11 JUNE 2021) Read the full UN Press Release Bachelet issues strong warning of imminent further bloodshed and suffering in Myanmar

Since 1990, the people of Northern Uganda have watched in horror as tens of thousands of children have been kidnapped from their homes, marched to Sudan, and then trained as child soldiers in a rebel army. Acholi rebel-leader and religious fanatic Joseph Kony abducts Acholi children indiscriminately, brainwashes them, and then forces them to commit indescribable atrocities against their own families and friends. Rating PG-13