REC the REGIME campaign
I’m running to wrest power from the corrupt, incompetent, and tyrannical federal government and to restore it to the people by:
- Abolishing politicized and costly agencies and departments that do not have the interests of the average American at heart, including the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Education, the ATF, and the TSA.
- Keeping the peace by opposing all but defensive wars, ending U.S involvement in the war in Ukraine, ending the saber-rattling with China, and bringing U.S. troops home from the 800 bases around the world to secure our homeland.
- Stopping inflation at the source by auditing and abolishing the federal reserve and allowing legal alternative currencies, like gold, silver, Bitcoin, and Monero.
- Slashing government spending, taxes, and restoring a free-market system that allows young people a future and the elderly security by untangling the federal government from its corporate power brokers. This includes abolishing the income tax, ending corporate bailouts and subsidies, cutting red tape, and eliminating all foreign aid.