🇺🇸 2024 Elections | Should Black Christians Vote in 2024?

You Decide… What’s the point of it all, really? The Intersection of Perspectives in the Black Community.

For African/Black Working Class and Colonized Peoples, Midterm Elections in the U.S. Offer No Relief from War, Repression and Capitalist Misery | ​​​​​​​ Ajamu Baraka, BAR editor and columnist, 10 Jul 2024

After more than 50 years of counterrevolution in the form of the right-wing Neoliberal reform project, U.S. society and political discourse have dramatically shifted to the right.

Political struggles among the ruling elements that were non-violently played out in the general electoral process have now turned violent, irrational, and counterproductive for the long-term sustainability of the system as a whole.

As I wrote a couple of years ago, the decision of the capitalist ruling class to intensify the class struggle in response to the upsurge of popular anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggles in the seventies created the conditions that are driving the ideological and political crisis of today.

When the Lesser of Two Evils is Still Evil… Should Christians Vote in 2024?

Do people often act like they want to be deceived? Are there men on the ballots that meet the Bible’s criteria for leaders? Are Jesus’ people to support a crowd in doing evil? With over 50 elections scheduled globally for 2024, does the Bible sanction it? How does the Bible show that leaders are to be put in place? Will voting change the coming destruction that the Bible prophesies? Does the Bible teach that, “the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men in Daniel 4:17? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel go over these matters.

A written article of related interest is available titled ‘Should a Christian Vote?’ URL: cogwriter.com/vote.htm

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