the Hubris of Systemic Racism | a sickening double-standard
WASHINGTON DC (30 APRIL 2021) Read the full article @ Black Enterprise; VP Kamala Harris agrees with ‘Uncle Tim’: America isn’t a racist country
the hallmark of hubris is contempt
Racist Grooming – The Trump administration & its agents used the office of the President of the United States to denigrate Black Lives globally
Grooming is a set of manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain control over a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught. The act of grooming is a multi-leveled strategy, so it doesn’t happen by accident. Groomers are usually people with narcissistic personality disorder or other Cluster B types of disorders that you would probably want to run from because their intent is destruction in your life. Racist grooming is racist abuse, designed to promote & incite racial discrimination. Though grooming can take many different forms, it often follows a similar pattern.
- Victim selection: Abusers often observe possible victims and select them based on ease of access to them or their perceived vulnerability.
- Gaining access to & isolating the victim: Abusers will attempt to physically or emotionally separate a victim from those protecting them and often seek out positions in which they can gain complete control over the lives of their victims.
- Trust development: Abusers attempt to gain trust of potential victims and to train them to keep the secret.
- Desensitization: Abusers often start by engaging a victim in ways that appear harmless, then later escalate to increasingly more dominating contact by progressive boundary crossing. They’re hot and cold with their target, meaning that they utilize positive and negative emotions or moments to trick others.
- Normalization: To avoid raising suspicions, abusers attempt to make their behavior seem natural. It can be particularly hard to recognize tactics used in grooming. Be alert for signs that include secrecy, undue influence or control, and particularly ‘playing around in the margins’ of racist ideological boundaries.
Trigger Warning: This episode may include topics such as assault, trauma, and discrimination. If necessary, listeners are encouraged to refrain from listening and care for their safety and well-being.
Disclaimer: The content provided is for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only. Nothing here constitutes personal or professional consultation, therapy, diagnosis, or creates a counselor-client relationship. Topics discussed may generate differing points of view (see podcast on youtube for more info). For a more extensive description of factors for you to consider, please see www.psychologyinseattle.com
– 7:00 Grooming commentary, what is this? (if it’s just you it’s really hard to know)
– 32:00 Racism & grooming commentary, what am I supposed to do? (dazed & disgusted)
Grooming behaviors are not only used to gain a victim’s trust, but often are used to create a trustworthy image & relationship between the abuser & the community at-large. Psychologically, grooming has a huge negative effect on personality, self-perception and the community’s discourse conventions.
the agency of hubris is sadism
Sadism is a term with a long history. Sadists take pleasure in hurting other people. Sadists possess an intrinsic motivation to inflict suffering on innocent people, even when this comes at a personal cost to themselves. This is because, for sadists, inflicting physical/mental pain is pleasurable, exciting, & often sexually stimulating. It is about the pleasure derived from exploiting others, the enjoyment of violation.
Acknowledge & release any hope of changing, “healing,” or “reforming” the sadist. It won’t work, & will only convey another “weakness” to someone who is manipulative, exploitative, callous, cruel & will delight in your continued suffering and humiliation. Sadists are people with feelings – they don’t like to feel pain; they just like to cause pain & watch ‘others’ in pain, especially if they caused it.
How to deal with a sadist: Don’t let what they do or say affect you – or at least don’t show it. Don’t show fear or anger or anxiety about what they do or say, be aloof and apathetic. Do not engage. Do not comply. Sadists like to be of ‘consequence‘ to others. Being ‘relevant‘ is of the utmost importance to the sadist. They often seek relevance by causing the very distress / pain / humiliation that they so enjoy. So if you make it seem like they are of NO consequence to you, they will be deeply threatened. They will doubt themselves. They will feel insecure.
the agents of hubris | US cops – enemy of black lives, target children
WASHINGTON DC (25 May 2021) — Read the full Black Lives Matter DC press release; DC Police Admit Killing of 18-year-old Deon Kay was Unjustified but ‘Justify’ it Anyway
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On September 4, 2020, 18-year old Deon Kay was murdered in broad daylight by Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Officer Alexander Alvarez in Southeast Washington, DC. These MPD officers knew Deon. Some of the officers’ targeted harassment and brutality was shared with Black Lives Matter DC Core Organizer April Goggans by a family member the prior year. MPD stalked Deon’s Instagram, pulled up with their guns out, chased this child, creating the conditions to murder him, and shot him dead. But according to the new DC Auditor’s report, his murder was “justified.” There is no justification for the murder of Deon Kay. There is nothing justified about killing a Black child.
“The Metropolitan Police Department and the Use of Deadly Force: The Deon Kay Case” report issued today explains in so many ways how MPD “acted recklessly” and “squandered any opportunity to de-escalate” before deciding to kill another Black teenager in D.C., contradicting MPD’s own report. The DC Auditor’s office went out of its way to hold MPD’s hand during the investigation and MPD officials still resisted, even over whether a web camera would be pointed during an interview of an officer. Deon Kay should still be alive today getting a hug from his mother and loved ones. Instead, his mother is forced to sue the district for video footage of her son’s murder. An entire community is still hurting and in pain from the execution of a vessel of Black love who matters to us.