💖#DefendTheSacred: “Reconciliation” is colonization and genocide


Shania Twain reminds us about whores prostituting themselves to get a staring role in the genocide spectacle

We have $900 trillion in our Indian Trust Fund being illegally held by the corporation of the government of Canada & the US, which are bankrupt because they owe so much money and past the brink of bankruptcy. Our trust funds paid for the building of Canada to enrich foreigners. Lady money is waiting in the water for these rapists of our natural resources to return to their homelands with everything they stole. She beckons to you with her open arms. You glide over to her. She holds you in her arms & you find out you can’t take anything with you because of the kaianerekowa and teiohateh, that the original true indigenous people are still care taking turtle island. Money, greed & corruption is leading you to the end of your colonial empire. 

RECONCILIATION REPORT SUMMARY: http://www.trc.ca/assets/pdf/Executive_Summary_English_Web.pdf

Canada is terrified of the revelations of the genocide & murder program. The main reason for the Reconciliation Commission was not for accountability & holding Canada responsible, but to keep it hidden & to move on.

Ultimately, shaming and pointing out wrongdoing were not the purpose of the Commission’s mandate … but to lay the foundation for the reconciliation”. Mary and Rose and the band councils, are going to help them. They are all trained to sound more traditional than us & take credit for our resistance, while behind our backs you help them turn the gun at us on behalf of the government and the bankers. More than 99% of us are not included in the discussions.

Mary Simon, the new Governor General, and Rose Ann Archibald, the new president of the Assembly of First Nations Inc., both work for the corporation of the government of Canada that committed the worst crime against humanity ever, murder and genocide of almost all indigenous people.

Mary and Rose, you are being well paid and promoted to help the Crown save the admitted murderers, Canada and United States, from automatic dissolution for the genocide they committed on us.

To fool us and the public, the tribal and band council traitors and national and territororial ‘Indian’ organizations are being paid, coached and scripted to pretend to speak for us. They are all pushing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report.

“Canada’s residential school system … was an education system in name only. They … were created to separate Aboriginal children from their families, … to minimize and weaken family ties and cultural linkages, and to indoctrinate children into a new culture — the culture of the legally [illegal] dominant Euro-Christian Canadian society, led by Canada’s first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald… [and revered as the father of the Corporation of the Government of Canada]. That experience was hidden from history, until Survivors finally found the strength, courage, and support to reveal their experiences in several thousand court cases that ultimately led to the largest class-action lawsuit in Canada’s history”.
The Indian Lands Acts 1924 set up the band councils and Indian residential schools to carry out “the final solution to the Indian problem” by 2024. Prime Minister Trudeau says the genocide is real and ongoing. Now President Biden has plead guilty and has ordered the excavation of their death camps.

All the psychopaths in the world could not have concocted such a premeditated horrific crime against humanity as the slaughter of our people by the Vatican, the Crown, Canada, US and all illegal occupiers of Central and South America, which is ongoing. The lobbyists and bankers try to control the top of the capitalist hierarchy which is crumbling.  

You do not speak for us.  You are part of the genocide program of the government, churches and other kidnapping and killing institutions. 

Reconciliation means we are going back to restore friendly relations which we never had with the European predators.  

Our individual sovereignty is not for sale, has never been and will never be.  

Ms. Simon, Ms. Archibald and other sell-outs, you must dissolve these murderers and their slaughter houses on turtle island.

Just leave.