Margaret Kimberley: Don’t Kill White People

The Quiet Part Loud, Whose Report Will You Believe? | European racist dog whistles | Sympathy For The Devil

“This isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan who has seen conflict rage for decades. This is a relatively ‘civilized‘, relatively ‘European‘ – I have to choose those words carefully – city where you wouldn’t expect that or hope that it was going to happen.”

😲😲😲 Ain’t No Fun When the Rabbit Got the Gun! 

“It is very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed.”

The man being interviewed is named David Sakvarelidze. He came to Ukraine from the nation of Georgia. It is a long story of corruption which put Georgians, including its former president, in positions of power in Ukraine. It was Georgian snipers who killed people in Maidan square. But I digress.

Sakvarelidze says the quiet part out loud. He cares about white people and he isn’t alone.

I know that years of anti-Putin propaganda and war propaganda in recent weeks primed the public to “stand with Ukraine” without any knowledge of what caused this crisis to take place.

But racism is going on too.

It is ok, even expected for the global south to suffer at the hands of NATO terror. Who stood with Libya? Only a handful of people said anything when the US and NATO committed a war of aggression there. That is the other issue.

Terrorism seems to be acceptable if committed by one’s own government, if the government is ‘white‘ or perceived as being ‘white‘ in the case of Obama and Libya.

So there you have it. ‘White‘ people are worthy and ‘others‘ are not.

WCG-DC: barfing right now off the noxious racist fumes coming out of these so-called ‘Europeans’.

Some context is needed; the evidence the plan was ALWAYS to install an apartheid government in Ukraine.

20150611 Conyers Ukraine

Profile: Who are Ukraine’s far-right Azov regiment? (this is really messed up)

I will now thank you bloviating bigots to kindly keep your mouth off Black Lives in the future.


article: What You Should Really Know About Ukraine

article: Europe welcomes Ukrainian bigots refugees — ‘others‘, less so

article: 1619 founder Nikole Hannah-Jones blasts media for ‘insidious racism’ and claims they only care about ‘Europeans with blond hair and blue eyes’ after heavy coverage of Ukraine compared to other conflicts

article: AU ‘disturbed’ by reports Africans stopped from escaping Ukraine

article: Nigerian Government Condemns Racist Treatment Of Africans Fleeing Ukraine

article: African refugees fleeing Ukraine are facing ‘shockingly racist’ treatment with border guards blocking their attempts to cross the border into Poland, continent’s leaders claim

article: Europe’s different approach to Ukrainian and Syrian refugees draws accusations of racism

article: #AfricansinUkraine; “I was shocked because I did not know the extent of the racism,” More African students decry racism at Ukrainian borders

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