Ethnic Cleansing

The Greek term methodeia only occurs twice in the New Testament & both are found in Ephesians (4:14; 6:11). No occurrences of this word are known in Greek literature prior to Paul’s use of it in this letter. In both cases the context indicates that methodeia, as Paul used it, describes something negative, associated with error and the devices of Satan. The verb then can define schemes to deceive and trick so that harm occurs.

The Hidden Structure of White Supremacy in America: Buggery


The Pagan Entities Ruling Over America

How the current US government is tied to America’s occult destiny

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ritual sodomy & mind control

the best kept secret of the esoteric grades of Freemasonry, Sodomic Mind Control is the Abomination that Maketh Desolate

The abomination of desolation in the Bible is a detestable event that leaves a holy place in a state of complete emptiness and destruction. The phrase “the transgression that causes horror” in Daniel 8 is a reference to the Abomination that Maketh Desolate.

In natural terms, it is something terrible that happens to a physical (brick & mortar) temple. In spiritual terms, it is something terrible that happens to the body/mind because the body/mind is the spiritual temple. Matthew 24:15 cites Daniel as the source of this reference. 

Sodomy is a spiritual thing. It is called “the key of David” by the Rothschild Illuminati. Freemasons believe sodomy opens the ‘Eye of Hoor’ (third eye) to Luciferian illumination.  Sodomy is not sex, it is a form of brainwashing. It attacks a pressure point of nerves at the base of the spine, causing temporary neurological paralysis and a shift of consciousness. Sodomy is required to achieve what they want to achieve. So the ‘third eye’ is not an eye at all, it’s an asshole (😲on the dollar bill). That’s the secret. The G and ‘G Spot’ (Eye of Hoor, Eye of Horus/Ra, third eye, asshole, pineal gland between the eyes) represent Masonic Androgynism, aka Masonic Hermaphroditism, another secret. When you have someone who has a sodomy spirit, that sodomy spirit claims to be God/Goddess.

🔥related – Top Five Methods of Control Used by the Narcissist | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone

The German Disease and ‘Cherry Marines’

Bottoms Up: In the US, privilege and promotion are gained through a series of cocksucking & sodomy events, not skin color, because it is sodomy can lead to total control of the mind. (see Kay Griggs)

The US Army uses the same methods as the Freemasons, the same Skull and Bones (Yale) sodomy rape induction methods, the same methods used in Cap and Gown (Princeton) and Sigma Pi Phi (the Boule). These rituals stem from what the German High Command did, and before that it was practiced in Greece. They call them ‘Cherry Marines’ and they follow this pattern using a hierarchy of homosexual practices in the group sex orgies for swift career advancement. They are called rising stars, the word the State Department uses for those who they control.Kay Griggs

The German Disease is a homosexual hierarchy. Mind controlling young boys using sex is an old Marxist trick. Privilege and promotion are therefore gained through a series of cocksucking and sodomy events of ever increasing humiliation. Elites then put these puppet people in power, with mid-level handlers who actually run the show from behind the scenes. Victims are turned, psychologically, and it’s a pattern.

🔥related – How Can the Narcissist Behave this Way? | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone

Most often, young boys are psychologically profiled and targeted. Many are singled out because they have been previously perverted or twisted in some way by a parent/guardian. Handlers look for people who’ve got trauma in their history that makes them vulnerable. Their goal is to train all future leaders in perversion.

“The Illuminati is Lucifer’s Church, the mystical body of Satan… Sodomy is like being born again.” 

MK-ULTRA survivors testified that sodomy causes identity “alters” (splits) in children up to age 5, it is standard for programming multiples. A dookey-boy is a person who has sex with other men, for the sole purpose of destroying their inner spirit. Most catholic priests today are dookey-boys. CIA is the creation center (US origin story) of these types. US government has videos of boys being sodomized at Abu Ghraib.

related- Satanism, Sodomy, & Trauma Based Mind Control | Mark Passio on the Freezone

related- Sodomy Key to Mind Control, says Deprogrammer |

related- The Masterplan of the Illuminated Rothschilds | Ron Patton Interviews Marion Knox

related- In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key | Elana Freeland

Cops, Freemasons and Satan

🔥related Who is Working For the Narcissist | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone

Ex-cop exposes Satanic Freemason secret society controls US law enforcement  à la Brotherhood of the Freemasons. Canaanite demon-god worshippers who trade their manhood for power at the Bohemian Grove.

the Black Boule

The Role of the Boule in the Black Community

gods of the ‘Divine 9’

related- “gods of the Divine 9”: Fraternities | Handlebar Films

related- “gods of the Divine 9”: Sororities | Handlebar Films

related- Bobby Hemmitt On Homosexuals and Bisexuals As Gatekeepers In The Spirit World

related- Black Culture Has Nothing To Do With Africa

The Truth About the ‘Divine 9’

Black Boule organizations are the primary vehicle for the proliferation of Sodomic Mind Control (the Abomination that Maketh Desolate) in the US, targeting Black people.

🔥relatedWhen the Enablers Allow the Behavior (Flying Monkeys) | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone

Origin Story All over social media, men and women across all chapters in the “Divine 9” are denouncing and exposing occult secrets, shrines, and ritual practices. The Boule are the Judas’ of the Bible. Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, better known as The Boule, are the ones responsible for assisting White supremacists with the oppression of Black people in Amerika. The hidden truth is much worse, if fact, because all of them are trained to keep silent and trained to lie. I argue most members are not deceived and that these are the ones the public usually encounters.

🔥relatedWhy Gaslighting is so Damaging | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone

Further Evidence Black Boule

related – Short History Clip of Buck Breaking in Jamaica and Caribbean | Ryan Francis

relatedThe Boule: House Nigga Boogie”, Steve Cokely & Bobby Hemmitt | dukejah88

related- Steve Cokely – Untold Truth | GOAT GOD RELOADED

related- Steve Cokely: Black Informants (Formula) | Brother Hannibal

related- The Boule (Sigma Pi Phi) Freemasonry & Street Gangs are the New Black Plantation

related- KOBE BRYANT: SHADOW CONSPIRACY (Special Guest On ‘The Richie Allen Show’ – London, England)

They never consider the cost…

They never consider the cost of betraying you. They think that they are invincible.

Further Evidence Cultism

Cultism (Satanic German Nazis); Exposing Satan’s Underground (video clip) Geraldo Rivera (1998) devil worship & the complicity of US Col. Michael Aquino (Truth Jihad Radio show);

Keep in mind that all of these people are going to Hell

By their own choice they have sold their souls to these strange ‘gods’ (demons) for money and power. Their only job is to lead others astray and take as many people to Hell with them as they possibly can.

This hatred they got for us is much deeper than what most of us think

related- Relax Whitey, We Have The Black Crakkas Here To Do Your Job…. | RUNAWAY SLAVE 2.0

related- The Boule’ Black Secret Society – The Black Gatekeepers of the Global Luciferian Order (The crab barrel system) | Bishop Larry Gaiters

related- Bobby Hemmitt On Homosexuals and Bisexuals As Gatekeepers In The Spirit World

related- Martin Luther King Jr. – Savior or Sellout?

related- Is Trayvon Martin’s Father Illuminati Grand Master Mason of the Boule Society?

methodeia / scheming; craftiness; wiles

Buck Breaking (article)

‘Buck Breaking’ refers to the act of sexually abusing Black slaves publicly and in front of other slaves, in order to assert dominance, punish them, and ultimately emasculate Black men.

related – Black DC Cops Casually Rape Innocent Black Teenager as onlookers filmed the incident (WH Correspondence Dinner)

The term “buck breaking” comes from “Black Buck,” a post-Reconstruction era (1861-1865) racist term used to refer to Black men who were seen as stereotypically violent or unruly.

The ‘buck breaking’ process involved the slaveowner forcing the enslaved man to lower his pants and bend over a tree stump to ensure that his buttocks were propped up into the air. The enslaved man would then be flogged severely. This would weaken him so that he would not be able to resist the rape that followed. The white slaveowner would then proceed to rape the slave several times. This form of punishment was worsened by the fact that it would be done in full view of all the other enslaved people, including the slaves’ family and friends.

White men were able to travel from plantation to plantation raping male slaves. The punishment became so widely implemented that sex farms developed from the practice. These sex farms allowed multiple slaveowners to gang-rape male slaves as punishment for any supposed wrongdoing that they committed.

Doublespeak (article)

Doublespeak is language deliberately constructed to disguise its actual meaning, usually coined by governmental, military, or corporate institutions. George Orwell referred to Newspeak, Oldspeak and doublethink in his seminal novel “1984” (that book is a warning). His novel made fashionable composite nouns with speak as the second element, previously unknown in English. It was therefore just a matter of time before someone came up with doublespeak, the B vocabulary of Newspeak, words “deliberately constructed for political purposes. Doublespeak is consciously engineered to deceive. Biden admin doublespeak – your handy guide to White House euphemisms (article) David Marcus;

US police strategy for killing Black people during traffic stops

Hegelian dialectic (article) A method of historical & philosophical development

Hegelian dialectic (noun). an interpretive method in which the contradiction between a proposition (thesis) and its antithesis is resolved at a higher level of truth (synthesis). Hegelism postulates (1) a thesis (beginning proposition), (2) the antithesis (a negation of that thesis) and (3) a synthesis (two conflicting objects are then reconciled in a way that transfers power/privilege from one class to another to form a new normal).

Example: thesis, antithesis, synthesis

  • thesis: ‘today’s hero is yesterday’s tyrant
  • antithesis: ‘today’s tyrant is yesterday’s hero
  • synthesis: We Don’t Need Another Hero
But how the world turns. One day cock of the walk, next, a feather duster“, Tina Turner as Aunty Entity | Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome – He’s Just A Raggedy Man [HD].

The US gov’t is playing the political game of Hegelism of thesis, antithesis; but behind the scenes they belong to the same club.

The Legacy of MK Ultra (CIA Mind Control Program)

related video: Mind Control: Soft, Hard, Trauma-based | Studies in Propaganda

MK Ultra (video clip) is the overall research programme involving many leading psychologists, psychiatrists & social scientists. ‘MK’ are initials for the German word for mind control & ‘Ultra’ is the codename.

Sydney White (Investigative Journalist, Studies in Propaganda, FREE University of Toronto) talks about the history of mind control in general and the MK Ultra program specifically. She outlines how mind control still influences culture and society today.

MK Ultra went underground in 1973. Current methods; Fear factor with patsies and torture, psych drugs and school shootings, drugging the kids before critical thought (under 6), soft, hard & trauma-based. Children are at risk from Big Banks, Big Bible & Big Pharma.

The Task-Force Ploy

: Dr. Dylan Rodriguez, professor of media culture at the University of California at Riverside, gives his account of his experience at UC Riverside with what we call the ‘task-force ploy’ that is currently being employed in states like Delaware and Wisconsin.

LOS ANGELES (3 MAY 2021) Read the full article University of California Pushes to Militarize and Expand Its Police Force

President Janet Napolitano created a series of task-forces after the Nov 18, 2011 UC Davis pepper-spray incident (birthed the Occupy movement) to investigative UC campus police use of excessive force. The pretense of the task-force model is laid bare; years later the problem has gotten nothing but worse (Defund or reform UC campus police? Sharp disagreement surfaces).

A series of proposed revisions to the systemwide UC police policy will expand the capacity for statewide police militarization (via “Systemwide Response Teams”), enhance UC Police Department (UCPD) surveillance technologies (by distributing body-worn cameras), and further weaponize the UCPD’s “Use of Force” policies.

The implications of this administrative proposal are deeply concerning, not only because UC is among the largest public university systems in the world, but also because it has historically served as an experimental ground for the development of modern police technologies and protocols.

Violations of 4th Amendment rights

Black people & minorities are being denied their right to be secure in their persons, houses and effects from unreasonable searches and seizures; pre-text stops, excessive force, police brutality, use of lethal force & militarization of police.

DC Police

Archie Elliott III

PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY MD ( 10 JUNE 2021) Read the full article Community Group Demands Police Accountability in 1993 Killing of Archie Elliott III

Bijan Ghaisar

Update: WASHINGTON DC (19 MAY 2022) Read the full article Civil rights groups join calls for DOJ to revisit Ghaisar case, citing new evidence

Update: WASHINGTON DC (4 APR 2022) Read the full article Family speaks out after Virginia AG ends prosecution of officers in Bijan Ghaisar killing

Update: WASHINGTON DC (10 OCT 2021) Read the full article Federal U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton tosses out all criminal charges against the two Park Police officers who killed Bijan Ghaisar

WASHINGTON DC (24 MAR 2021) Read the full article Judge Sets Hearing for Park Police Shooting of McLean Resident Bijan Ghaisar U.S. District Court Judge Claude M. Hilton has scheduled a status hearing for April 23 to determine whether the two Park Police officers charged in the 2017 fatal shooting of Bijan Ghaisar “can be criminally prosecuted by the state of Virginia…or whether they fall under amnesty for federal officers from state criminal laws.”

An’Twan Gilmore

WASHINGTON DC (19 OCT 2021) Read the full press release: DC MPD officers kill An’Twan Gilmore, 27 while he slept in his own car. Black Lives Matter DC demands justice. Early on the morning of August 25, 2021, the DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) executed 27- year old An’Twan Gilmore, a Black man, as he slept in his car.

Peyton Ham

Update: WASHINGTON DC (20 OCT 2021) Read the full article No charges for State trooper Joseph Azzari who shot & killed Peyton Ham, says Ham wanted to die so he killed him.

WASHINGTON DC (14 APRIL 2021) Read the full article State trooper shot and killed a 16-year-old armed with a knife and airsoft gun, Maryland authorities say

Karon Hylton-Brown

Update: Washington DC (24 SEP 2021) Read the full article DC Officers Indicted in Karon Hylton-Brown’s Death

WASHINGTON DC (2 NOV 2020) Read the full article Karon Hylton-Brown’s Loved Ones Remember His Exuberant Spirit And Dreams For Fatherhood

DeAndre Johnson

WASHINGTON DC (19 OCT 2021) Read the full article DC police chief says man was killed during struggle with officer DeAndre Johnson was killed by DC police officers who were serving a temporary protection order. Johnson was shot twice in the back.

Deon Kay

WASHINGTON DC (25 May 2021) Read the full Black Lives Matter DC press release; DC Police Admit Killing of 18-year-old Deon Kay was Unjustified but ‘Justify’ it Anyway

Ryan LeRoux

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD (19 JULY 2021) Read the full article Family Questions Montgomery Police for Fatally Shooting 21-Year-old at McDonald’s Ryan Leroux was shot 24 TIMES. He did nothing wrong. He lifted his hand up and the police murdered him in cold blood. 

Ernestine Little Family

WASHINGTON DC (29 JAN 2021) Read the full article DC Family Wants Answers After Prince George’s Police Storm Their Home

James Lionel Johnson & Dominique Williams

WASHINGTON DC (9 APR 2021) Read the article Off-duty Pentagon police officer charged with murder for allegedly killing 2 David Hall Dixon, a Pentagon Force Protection Agency police officer who was off duty at the time of a fatal shooting in Maryland, has been charged with second-degree murder for allegedly killing two people, Takoma Park police said. The victims were identified by the Takoma Park police as Dominique Williams, 32, and James Lionel Johnson, 38. According to police, they were shot from behind and had wounds in their rear upper torsos. 

At a press conference Friday afternoon, Takoma Park Chief of Police Antonio DeVaul said Dixon’s description of what happened didn’t stack up.

US Police

Johnny Bolton

SMYRNA, GEORGIA (25 MAY 2021) Read the full article ‘We want answers’ | Family of man killed in Cobb County no-knock warrant speaks out for first time The family of Johnny Bolton still does not have any information about the raid or who fired the shots that killed him.

La’Mello Parker

BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI (10 MAY 2021) Read the full article Activists demand answers after Black baby killed in shootout

Black Lives Matter Mississippi are calling for the release of police body camera footage of what happened in a May 3rd killing of 3-month-old infant La’Mello Parker near Biloxi, Mississippi. “We want to have a coherent, truthful conversation about what happened and how this could have been avoided. Period,” Anastassia Doctor, a Black Lives Matter Mississippi board member and Army veteran, told The Associated Press Monday. “If this was a white man with a white child, would they have done the same thing?”

Tamar Rice

CLEVELAND, OHIO (16 APRIL 2021) Read the full article Attorneys for Tamir Rice’s family ask the Justice Department to re-open investigation into boy’s death Police killed Tamir Rice in 2014. Officers responded to a report of someone pointing a gun at people outside the recreation center. The caller told a 911 dispatcher that the gun looked fake, but that information was never relayed to the officers. Then-officer Timothy Loehmann shot Tamir at Cudell Recreation Center on Nov. 22, 2014, while the boy was playing was an airsoft pellet gun.

Adam Toledo

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (16 APRIL 2021) Read the full article Adam Toledo shooting: Protests call for justice after release of video showing teen killed by Chicago police After demanding to see the video for weeks, residents openly sobbed on the street. Some said they couldn’t bring themselves to watch.

Israeli Military Forces

We have frightening new insights thanks to recent reporting by Robert Klemko of the Washington Post in a Jan. 26 article titled, “Much of America wants policing to change. But these self-proclaimed experts tell officers they’re doing just fine.” 

According to this reporting, a patchwork of providersincluding for-profit, strange fire companies– are training our police.

There’s little guidance or oversight as to who can lead these and what officers should be taught. The programs can be – and sometimes are – run by former officers with a deplorable track record who were recently let go for using excessive force. 

I’m sure we can all agree that’s NOT who should be training our nation’s law enforcement. Many of the teachings revolve around fostering a violent attitude towards the civilians who they are supposed to protect – what one trainer dubbed a “warrior mentality”. 

Many paint this excessive use of force as the only way an officer can effectively do their jobs, with one person even saying: “Be the calmest person in the room, but have a plan to kill everyone.

A police officer’s job is to protect our society … NOT be the judge, jury, and executioner. These trainings are completely unacceptable and are the reason why the ‘shoot now, think later’ mentality persists in the system of policing. 

This reliance on excessive force causes more civilian casualties than it prevents, as demonstrated in the heartbreaking death of 14-year-old Valentina Orellana Peralta, who lost her young life while Christmas shopping. 

Police training should focus on de-escalation and preservation of life. Police should be conditioned to use the least lethal force necessary. But unfortunately, many trainings DON’T teach this.

I encourage you to join the fight to change community policing in America. Please, sign this petition in Valentina’s honor to calling for police reform from the  IACP and the FOP!

We need a police force that is not overly militarized and aggressive. We need to foster a culture of compassion that aims to preserve life. We need meaningful police reform … and that includes reforming how officers are trained.


Thank you in advance for your support!
Benjamin L. Crump, Esq.

ST. PAUL, MINN (JUNE 3 2020) Read the full article Israeli forces trained cops in ‘restraint techniques’ at Minneapolis conference

Officers from the U.S. police force responsible for the killing of George Floyd received training in restraint techniques and anti-terror tactics from Israeli law enforcement officers. Floyd’s death in custody on Memorial Day, the latest in a succession of police killings of African Americans, has sparked continuing protests in U.S. cities. Neta Golan, co-founder of International Solidarity Movement (ISM), said: “When I saw the picture of killer cop Derek Chauvin murdering George Floyd by leaning in on his neck with his knee as he cried for help and other cops watched, I remembered noticing when many Israeli soldiers began using this technique of leaning in on our chest and necks when we were protesting in the West Bank sometime in 2006.

At least 100 Minnesota police officers attended a 2012 conference hosted by Israel’s Chicago consulate, the second time such an event had been held. There, they learned the violent techniques used by Israeli forces as they terrorize the occupied Palestinian territories under the guise of security operations. The so-called counterterrorism training conference in Minneapolis was jointly hosted by the FBI.

ATLANTA, GEORGIA (OCTOBER 7 2019) Read the full article U.S. Police are Being Trained by Israel—And Communities of Color Are Paying the Price

In recent years, Georgia has experienced troubling trends in fatal police shootings. As this has unfolded, the state continues to pursue a “police exchange” program with the state of Israel. These incidents nearly doubled in the state, up 77 percent between 2017 to 2018. By May 2018, Georgia was already reportedly experiencing a more rapid rise in officer-involved shootings than the rest of the country. According to an investigation of deadly police shootings in Georgia, in the six years after 2010, 184 people were shot and killed by police; almost half of them unarmed or shot in the back.

Law enforcement from other U.S. states have participated in the program, including those from Tennessee, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.  

Open records requests have forced program leaders to reveal some of its content topics, including border policing, community policing, and urban policing.