🔥 New World Order | Expert Analyses
US/Ukraine Proxy-Project Fallout: Expect the Worst
The US led NATO West’s economic war against Russia in response to their military operation in Ukraine has turned the majority of the world’s population against it.
One way or another, we are witnessing the bifurcation of Western-dominated globalization & the birth of a #NewWorldOrder economic, financial and commercial system that has yet to be determined.

The US has no interest in peace…

False deity Moloch’s origin is tied to the number 13 via the phrase “valley of Hinnom” which occurs in 13 places in Scripture. This valley was the scene of human sacrifice rituals. The practice received some credibility when rituals were knowingly allowed by King Solomon (1Kings 11:7).
The occult number 13 represents all the governments created by men & ruled by Satan [10 toes (10 horns / leaders) + false prophet (2 horns) + Satan = 13].
Moloch /Molech /Molek /Molok in_America

Particularly of interest to our campaign is the practice of killing people in sacrifice to the Canaanite demon-god known as Moloch. The human sacrifice pagan ritual ceremony is usually done on an altar, before an idol, and inside of a grove of trees. In the US, one place infamously known for this practice is Bohemian Grove.
Satanists believe human sacrifices release massive amounts of power to a predestined “aeonic working”; offerings bestow power to control the era that we live in, in certain ways, in order to guide humanity toward a predetermined path. Offerings are to be reaped through either fire or war. (Burnt Offerings: the Religious Fanatic Satanic Global Elite: starts at 1:24:50)
But for whom and for what is this sacrifice intended? This kind of “energizing” practiced in US is extended only to so-called “deified” humans.
because War is part of the Ritual

the Bolshevik Revolution : the Culture of Envy and Human Sacrifice
Documented links and well-researched history show that Masonry, Communism, Zionism, and international societies were linked together, especially in financing the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. American communists and banking moguls were instrumental in cutting off money to monarchs like the czar, and in starting the Communist movement in Soviet Russia. Jacob Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. and even the American presidents and other international groups and executive leaders assisted people like Lenin and Trotsky. In reality communism, once touted as a spontaneous worker’s movement, is yet another international New World Order banking scheme to liquidate entire populations and their assets, transferring wealth into the hands of the elite.
In the Shadow of Hermes
The documentary In the Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina shows how Freemasons, international bankers, and communists joined forces in an unholy alliance and through the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 established in Russia the most brutal and dehumanizing slave society the world has ever seen. Based on the book “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” by the Estonian dissident Jüri Lina who narrates this documentary in Swedish (with English subtitles).
None of this makes sense if the Revolution really was what the Global Elite tell us.
The Bolsheviks came to power not because the people of Russia wanted them back, but because very powerful men in Europe and the United States, including members of the Rockefeller family, sent them in.
Recognize this as an arm of a bigger conspiracy to control the world by power-mad billionaires and ruthless academicians and it all becomes perfectly logical.
Is this why Jesus spoke of hell as “eternal fire” (Matt. 25:41), to let the punishment fit the crime?

related –The Rockefeller File | Allen Gary-1976
related – David Rockefeller: World Leader and Founder of Bohemian Grove, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission
commentary – The Globalists, the Bolsheviks, Tsar Nicholas II, and His Gold. Part 2 | maneco64
these Wars are never meant to be won, just Sustained
World War 2 Theatres of Human Sacrifice
Burnt Offerings: the Religious Fanatic Satanic Global Elite: Are ‘forever’ wars actually 21st century ritualistic mass human sacrifice? Map of the positions of Nazi Death Camps in World War 2; starts at 1:23:06

related – BLM: police killing as ritual sacrifice (article, African Century Journal)
related – BLM: police killing as ritual human sacrifice (article, O A Ladimeji | Institute for African and Diaspora Studies, University of Lagos)
related – I used to think the term ’Judeo-Nazis’ was excessive. I don’t any longer.
11 DEC 2023 Satanic black mass taking place in Gaza what US, Israel want (article)

related – What is the Masonic Plan for 2025?
Prophecy Watch
context | Is Russia the Final King of the North? (video clip) Dr. Bob Thiel, Bible News Prophecy; Seleucus, King of North & Ptolemy, King of South in Antiquity / shadows & types (map) origin story;
shadow | The King of the North: Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the (Greek) “Little Horn“ (video, Daniel 8, During a cultural genocide / ethnic cleansing attack, The King of the North commits the Abomination of Desolation; To “draw a line in the sand” goes back, in one reference, to this encounter)
shadow | The King of the North: Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the (Greek) “Little Horn” (video, Daniel 8, The King of the North meets his end)
Ukraine Refugee Situation – UN Operational Data Portal

11 JAN 2023 Over 7.96 mln Ukrainian refugees arrive in European countries since Feb 24 — UN (article, pdf)
1 NOV 2022 ‘No One Can Sit Out the Coming Storm’: Putin’s Valdai Speech (article)
8 APR 2022 The Birth of a ‘New World Order’ from the Ukrainian Battlefield (article)
WCG-DC commentary: Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
I John 4 (KJV) – 1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
Knowledge Base | Expert Analyses, Commentary & Context
“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.” – William Blum
Economic Analysis
| 25 JAN 2025 US / UK | Gate Crashing Diary of a CEO: Future of US, UK & West – Galloway, Priestley, Kisin. 1.5Mil views | The Market Sniper

20 NOV 2024 US / UKRAINE | Lame duck Biden cancels $4.7 billion in Ukrainian debt calling it ‘forgiveness’ | Straight Arrow News

Other actions taken by the Biden administration recently include shipping anti-personnel land mines to Ukraine and authorizing Ukraine’s armed forces to strike targets in Russia with long-range ATACMS.
25 SEPT 2024 US | Diddy and the Psyche of the American Dream (Financialization) | Middle Nation

The fantasy lifestyle for Westerners is brutal. Their psyche is to dominate, to humiliate, to exploit, abuse, subjugate, degrade, objectify, dehumanize, tyrannize and ultimately enslave. That’s the Western fantasy. It always was as it is right now. They act upon it any chance they get. They’ll prosecute these pre-ordained proxies, these select cases, in order to absolve themselves (you know they need to burn someone at the stake to convince themselves that they’re better, more righteous, more moral than them, but they’re not).
–related Music Industry’s Darkside, Satanic Imagery, Award Show Rituals |
18 SEPT 2024 Afghanistan | Politicization of Assets Harms the Afghan People | UN Security Council

5 SEPT 2024 Russia | Russia Says It Will Buy Over 30 Tonnes of Gold in Next Month | maneco64

21 MAY 2024 Great Taking / US | Derivatives Market Explained – Hard Landing or GFC 2.0? | George Gammon

9 APR 2024 Washington DC / US | Money, Secrecy, and the CIA: How Deep Does This Secret Government Program Go? | Peak Prosperity

| 9 APR 2024 Zimbabwe / Africa | Zimbabwe First Country to Have a Gold Backed Currency | Lynette Zang

9 MAR 2024 Great Taking / Exit the Derivative Meltdown… Exit Public School Death Indoctrination (mind control, school killings, gender brainwashing) | Alex Newman

Newman also discusses his recent book “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death” and the insidious nature of our public schools. There is no hope to reform the public school system, he notes, because it’s functioning how it was designed to function.
4 MAR 2024 Flight to Safety / America is Forcing Out its Middle Class… Forever | Cash Jordan

16 FEB 2024 Flight to Safety / Positioning for an Economic Hard Landing | Chris Martenson

21 JAN 2024 Collapse of Rule of Law / Potential Russian Treasury Confiscation $300Bn | Market Sniper

20 JAN 2024 Flight to Safety / Overcoming The GREAT TAKING with Author David Rogers Webb | Parallel Systems

6 NOV 2023 Flight to Safety / US & EU Banks’ Sinister Secret Plan to Take Everything You Have | Nobody Special Finance

19 OCT 2023 Flight to Safety / Analyzing Trend Cycles in Stocks, Real Estate, Gold, and Silver | ITM Trading

19 AUG 2023 Flight to Safety / China & Russia Unleash Alternative Payment System to US & West SWIFT System | Deepin Moments

13 AUG 2023 Global Crisis / Liquidity Crisis Incoming & Debt Monetization Will Be Their Solution! | Parallel Systems

16 JULY 2023 Global Crisis / Second Inflation Wave Coming As Bidenomics Fails | Sean Foo

20 JUNE 2023 Global Crisis / New Plan For Global CBDC (Here Are The Details) | Rebel Capitalist
13 JUNE 2023 EU in Crisis / Germany (Nazis) Enters Recession As Forecasts Worsen | Lena Petrova, CPA
earned & deserved demons, earned & deserved
streamed 1 JUNE 2023
13 JUNE 2023 Nigeria / Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) / TERRIFYING Cash CRISIS Following CBDC Adoption In Nigeria | Lena Petrova, CPA
15 MAY 2023 US Debt Crisis / The Unthinkable Begins on June 1… | Michael Cowan
Get Ready. Get Ready. Get Ready. You’re dealing with thieves and cowards. They’re doing what comes natural to them, lie and mislead.
14 MAY 2023 The Great Reset / The World Economic Forum Just COLLAPSED! Global Elite Chaos Begins… | Stoic Finance
10 MAY 2023 De-Dollarization / BRICS Announces New Currency to Replace the Dollar | BreakThrough News
Using the US dollar is like supporting terrorism. The creation of this new gold and commodity backed currency will be discussed at the BRICS summit this August 2023.
7 MAY 2023 Global Threat / CBDC: A Full Surveillance Economy | ITM TRADING, INC.
–related 7 MAY 2023 The Shiniest Turd in the Box. Will Dollar Debt be rolled into the new CBDC? Prepare for Higher Prices
–related 7 MAY 2023 Blackstone’s Real Estate BANK RUN COLLAPSE | 2008 Repeats Again…
–related 7 MAY 2023 Has the Fed screwed up so bad, there won’t be enough money for this next recession?
–related 10 MAY 2023 Zimbabwe has launched new digital tokens backed by gold. What explains the move?
–opinion 6 MAR 2023 Nigerians’ Rejection of Their CBDC Is a Cautionary Tale for Other Countries
5 MAY 2023 Global Threat / Grand Refusal: A Call to Reject the Great Reset | The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal | Michael Rectenwald
19 APR 2023 US / Federal Reserve | CBDC Is Coming For Your Money (Central Bank Digital Currency) | WolvesAndFinance
-related Fed Borrows $184 Billion Without Congressional Authorization Circumventing the Debt Ceiling As a consequence of its COVID crisis asset purchase program & the subsequent increases in interest rates, the Fed is now losing billions of dollars a week. In the past week, the Fed borrowed an additional $143 billion to fund the FDIC’s bailout of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank, even though the FDIC is supposed to fund bank bailouts using the deposit insurance fund and, if need be, by borrowing from the U.S. Treasury. Instead, the Fed borrowed these funds and lent them to the FDIC to keep these bank failures from reducing the Treasury’s cash balances.
18 APR 2023 US Banks Controlled Demolition | The 2023 Banking Crisis Fuse Has Been Lit | ITM Trading Inc.
-related The Banking Crisis Explained w/ Lynette Zang
-related Hidden Truths Behind the USD and What’s Next in the Economy w/ Lynette Zang
12 APR 2023 US / West | “Great Reset” Time Bomb | ITM Trading Inc.
10 APR 2023 Signature Bank (NY), Silvergate (CA) & Silicon Valley Bank (CA) | Biden’s $300 Billion Wealth Transfer Mechanism Disguised as a “Bank Bailout” | Geopolitical Economy Report
Sources and more information here: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/…
–related How the U.S Stole $1 Trillion from Africa in 2022 In December of 2022, the US invited 49 African leaders into Washington for US-Africa Submit, it was a strategy to buy/steal the future of Africa.
–related Over $300 bln paid for Russian gas stolen by West from Russia – Lavrov: https://tass.com/economy/1445713
3 APR 2023 Kenya / Africa | Kenya President Urges Country to Get Rid of US Dollars | @2nacheki
30 MAR 2023 Iran-US Ties / United Nations | UN high court finds 2016 US seizure of $2 Billion Iranian assets violated treaty | Courthouse News Service
27 FEB 2023 Commentary / Tenth Amendment Center | The Cost of War is Much More than Financial | Sovren
17 FEB 2023 US / East Palestine, Ohio | East Palestine Train Derailment | Mary Greeley News
11 FEB 2023 Lee Camp | Wall Street Caught Boasting War Is Good For Biz | Moment of Clarity
11 JAN 2023 Ben Swann & Independent Media | Historic Lawsuit Led By RFK Jr. Against Media Giants | Sovren
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has filed a first-of-its-kind antitrust action against BBC, Washington Post, Reuters and Associated Press for their partnership called the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) between Big Tech and legacy media. RFK Jr. is seeking $ Millions in damages based on their collusive censorship of online health & political news.
16 DEC 2022 EU Energy Crisis | Methane Cometh From Pig Shit | WGC-DC Unsolicited Advice
6 DEC 2022 Congress | North Carolina Substation Attack a False Flag? House Democrats seek $2.1B in emergency funding in the wake of an armed attack at two substations in North Carolina | The Hill
The money would be be paid out of the powerful Defense Production Act (DPA), a “disaster supplemental funding bill” forthcoming— an ad hoc measure expected to be passed during the lame-duck session to aid in disaster recovery.
1 DEC 2022 Congress | House, Senate Agree to Add $45 Billion to Biden’s 2023 Military Budget Request, Despite 5th Consecutive Audit Fail | Scheerpost
28 NOV 2022 Candid Africa | Former AU Official Reveals Any Help Given by the West to Africa is a Sick Joke | @2nacheki
25 NOV 2022 Biden | As White House drains oil reserve to near-40-year lows, Biden asks for $500m to modernize system | Just the News
Biden administration has been withdrawing huge amounts of oil as gas prices have spiked.
⛧22 NOV 2022 Pentagon | With $800 Billion Budget, Pentagon Fails its Fifth Consecutive Audit | Common Dreams
16 NOV 2022 FTX Crypto Crash | Democrat ‘shyster’ fooled business world | Sky News Australia
15 NOV 2022 FTX Crypto Crash | Biden gives Ukraine $$$ > Ukraine buys FTX > FTX donates $$$ to Biden | George Galloway
15 NOV 2022 Michael Hudson | New Bipolar World. US finance capitalism vs. China’s mixed public/ private economy | Helle Panke
11 NOV 2022 Ethiopia | African Union (AU) Member-States Commit to Implementation of Africa’s Asset Recovery Agenda | Africa Newsroom
24 OCT 2022 World Bank | Poverty skyrockets in Ukraine | World Socialist Web Site
24 OCT 2022 DC elites openly admit US waging brutal economic & tech war to halt China’s rise | Multipolarista
30 AUG 2022 US sends $228 million per day in military aid to Ukraine | Multipolarista
17 AUG 2022 Afghanistan was the center of dirty money & dirty tricks says journalist #MartinRJay | George Galloway
8 AUG 2022 New World Order History: the Economy, Population Control & Occultism | Gangster Capitalism
23 JULY 2022 Iran & Russia pledge to cut US dollar from global trade, strengthen China alliance | Multipolarista
| 5 JUNE 2022 US Capitalism: How De-Dollarization is Facilitating the DECLINE of Western Europe | The Left Lens
| 9 MAY 2022 The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism? | Michael Hudson & Multipolarista
| Context | 8 OCT 2021 George Soros funds politicos to turn China into a grabitization, neoliberal opportunity for US investors | Renegade Inc.
| Context | 05 JUNE 2022 US Capitalism: Economic Lessons for 2020 | Dr. Michael Hudson
: filmed on 19 DEC 2020 @ the Kairos Center
| Commentary
5 JUNE 2022 WCG-DC –Next on the chopping block? Upcoming stock market crash will loot US pensions, politicos fully defund Social Security & then there will be nothing left to steal, which is the real problem for capitalists.
| 8 JUNE 2022 The Peterson Billionaire Clique Is Back for Your Social Security
#NewWorldOrder: Inside China’s Socialism economic model | Multipolarista
13 JULY 2021 Chinese socialism as an ongoing creative contribution to Marxism | Josh Jackson
10 JULY 2021 Understanding China’s socialism: Book launch event for John Ross “China’s Great Road” | Friends of Socialist China
#NewWorldOrder: Does #NewWorldOrder = #NewColdWar? Sure. WWIII? Not Sure
22 MAY 2022 Are we at the beginning of a 10 year bloody war? | Kalimahorra with George Galloway
16 MAY 2022 Does #NewWorldOrder = #NewColdWar? Sure. WWIII? Not Sure | The Left Lens
Political Analysis
| 25 MAR 2025 Middle East | Why YEMEN is Beating US & Imperial Project Israel | Alex Krainer

| 28 FEB 2025 UKRAINE | Cokehead v Pussygrabber Blowup – Media framing and spin (cocaine, pedophiles, soulless perverts), Plus what happens next | The Reset Sniper

15 JAN 2025 Mali | Mali Seizes 3 Metric Tonnes of Gold from Canadian Mining Company Barrick Gold | The New Africa Channel

related – Mali Issues Arrest Warrant for Canadian Miner, Seizes Gold Over Billions in Tax Evasion
| 1 DEC 2024 Romania | Romania’s President Elect Călin Georgescu Declares War on Satanic Pedophilia | The People’s Voice

21 NOV 2024 United Nations | ICC Issues Warrants of Arrest for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant | International Criminal Court

18 NOV 2024 Canada | FBI Seize P. Diddy Tapes Featuring Justin Trudeau | The People’s Voice

1 OCT 2024 Iran | US Threatens Iran For B*tch Slapping Israel | Niko House

I remember all the times these Zionists were mocking the dead innocent children in Gaza.
17 SEPT 2024 South Africa | Israel in Panic Mode: Orders US Congress To Force South Africa To Drop ICJ Case? | We Love Africa

2 SEPT 2024 Türkiye | Türkiye Moves Beyond NATO, Makes Historic Bid to Join BRICS | Times Now World

2 SEPT 2024 Türkiye | Turkish protesters not having it,”Yankee Go Home” | MEH News Agency
12 AUG 2024 Bangladesh | US Buggers Orchestrated Coup to Ouster Ex-Bangladeshi Prime Minister for Control of Strategic Island Against the People | Orinoco Tribune

2 AUG 2024 Venezuela | Mercenary Group Blackwater Boss Wants $100 Million to Assassinate President Maduro | Orinoco Tribune

25 JULY 2024 Burkina Faso | President Traore Reveals How the West Controls the Worlds Using the 3 Axis of Evil | 2nacheki

25 JUNE 2024 US / Russia | America’s Economic Collapse & Russia’s Preparations | Bible News Prophecy
7 APR 2024 Niger / Africa | US Debates Whether to Ignore Niger’s Demand for the US to Leave | Revolutionary Blackout

29 DEC 2023 United Nations / South Africa | South Africa initiates legal action against Israel at International Court of Justice | Middle East Monitor

(South African President Cyril Ramaphosa speaks during a press conference at Luthuli House in Johannesburg on December 18, 2023 [ROBERTA CIUCCIO/AFP via Getty Images])
- The detail in South Africa’s legal case against Israel is astonishing! | KernowDamo
- Gaza reacts to South Africa taking Israel to court! | KernowDamo
- Genocide Case SUBMITTED to International Court Of Justice!! | Neutrality Studies
- Genocide Convention Complaint filed at the International Court of Justice
22 OCT 2023 Prophecy Watch | Trump, the Vatican and the Secret 3rd Temple Agenda (2019) | Tom Horn

-related 🔥The GOP’s “Temple Movement” to Build the 3rd Temple | Corey Sherman
Republicans are working with Kahanist activists to advance a violent vision of Jewish control over Jerusalem
-related 🔥Cory Booker’s Boot Licking, Butt Kissing & Buck Dancing for Zionism | Margaret Kimberly, Black Agenda Report
| 4 SEPT 2023 Africa/ Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso’s President Traoré is Building a New Generation of Super Africans | @2nacheki

2 SEPT 2023 Africa/ France | Shock! Gabon Coup Organized by France, Coup Leader is Cousin of Ousted Dictator | BVI Channel 1

31 AUG 2023 Africa/ France | Gabon Coup: France currency ponzi scheme, paranoid Rwanda & Cameroon fire Army generals | African Insider

-related GABON Coup just Forced African Dictators to fire army Generals. They are running scared | African Insider
-related Africa is calling its Sons and Daughters in the Diaspora to join the uprising #africa #african (the language spoken in this song is Swahili) | Black Next Gen
21 AUG 2023 Africa/ Niger | Niger Announce Path to Democracy as Military Leader Call for 3-Year Transition Plan | @2nacheki

8 AUG 2023 Africa/ United Nations | U.N Security Council Is Hiding Criminality Of France In Africa | BVI Channel 1
-related US Sent Top Diplomat Victoria Nuland with $200M to Bribe Niger Coup Leader but he refused, then she threatened him | African Insider
-related African Union SUPPORTS ECOWAS decision to launch military attack on the people of Niger (article) | TASS
Even if you disagree with the coup, two wrongs do not make a right, and siding with any colonizer in lifting a hand to kill a brother is unforgivable.

Cote d’Ivoire contributes a battalion of 850 and 1,100 men for the operation; Benin, Nigeria and other US bootlicker countries participate in the genocide of the population as well. Meanwhile, Burkina Faso and Mali expressed solidarity with the people of Niger and condemned the imposition of sanctions by ECOWAS.
1 AUG 2023 Africa/ Niger Regime Change | Protesters Storm French Embassy, Chant ‘Long Live Putin’ | Hindustan Times
-related Mali, Burkina Faso to view military intervention in Niger as declaration of war (article) | TASS
-related Niger’s regime change and anti-French sentiment in West Africa (video) featuring Kambale Musavuli | Peoples Dispatch
31 JULY 2023 US/ West | End of Empire Analysis…Big Debt Cycle (War, Hyperinflation & Collapse) in Cyclical Time | Parallel Systems
23 JUNE 2023 Russia/ Ukraine | Moscow on Alert after Wagner Fighters Shoot Down Russian Helicopter, March into Rostov | Hindustan Times
A conflict between the Russian military and Wagner Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has erupted in Russia after the former aide of Russian President Putin accused Moscow’s troops of bombing his forces on the orders of defence minister Sergei Shoigu. Prigozhin said his fighters crossed the border into Russia from Ukraine and were prepared to go “all the way” against Moscow’s military, hours after the Kremlin accused him of armed mutiny.
Putin addresses the nation on Wagner rebellion (English subtitles)
Just as suddenly as it began, the advance was called off later on Saturday, with Wagner forces reported to be about 300 kilometres away from Moscow. The Kremlin said Wagner troops would return to Ukraine, while Mr Prigozhin would be allowed to leave for neighbouring Belarus.
-related Russia “Coup” Explained: Prigozhin’s perspective and Putin’s Live Speech Details | Financially Aware
Yevgeny Prigozhin marched his PMC Wagner troops into Russia unimpeded at Rostov-on-Don.
-related Prigozhin mutiny and the usual suspects | The Duran
Wagner gets their munitions from the defense ministry, so there’s that …
-related “Coup” Underway in Russia. U.S. Planes in the Air, Moscow Locked Down! | NYPrepper
Haha.. Wagner Group on its way to Moscow with 25,000 men! It´s either a really good comedy or a really good psyops.
11 JUNE 2023 US / Ukraine | CIA’s Zelensky Execution Plan | Thinkers from India – Global
related- 14 JUNE 2023 Biden prepares Zelensky’s burial
22 MAY 2023 Africa / DRC | Why Félix Tshisekedi has upset the World Bank | the africa report

18 MAY 2023 Syria / Saudi Arabia | Syria’s Assad arrives in Saudi Arabia for regional summit, sealing his return to the Arab fold | StarTribune

13 APR 2023 Syria / Saudi Arabia | Is Syria being welcomed back into the Arab fold? | Firstpost
–related 19 APR 2023 President of Syria Receives Saudi FM in Damascus (Rapprochement)
| 13 MAY 2023 US / Africa | AFRICOM Exposed For Training Africans That Would Later Overthrow Their Governments | African Diaspora News Channel
@vickidillardtv reports on AFRICOM training
related –AFRICOM Chief to Congress: We Share “Core Values” with Coup Leaders
US has conducted at least five coups in the last eight years. Since 2008, in fact, U.S.-trained officers have attempted at least nine coups (and succeeded in at least eight) across five West African countries, including Burkina Faso (three times), Guinea, Mali (three times), Mauritania, and the Gambia.
17 APR 2023 US Targets China | The Fall Of America? China’s Exposure | Reporterfy Media & Travel
10 APR 2023 M3M Foundation / India | The Dalai Lama is a Creepy Asshole | Orinoco Tribune
There is no good reason to ask a kid to suck your tongue. People should stop looking up to this freak (stop it). This is plainly someone with a wrecked moral compass. But I guess that’s about the best anyone could expect from a literal CIA asset. The CIA is easily the most depraved institution in the world today. His administration received $1.7 million a year from the CIA through the 1960s, and it’s reported that he himself personally received $180,000 a year from the CIA for decades.
-related Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Wants India To Prosecute The Dalai Lama
1 APR 2023 Russia-UN Security Council / United Nations | Moscow takes presidency of UN security council as US heads explode | TASS

21 MAR 2023 US Proxy Ukraine / Poland | US Army sets up first permanent garrison in Poland | TASS
13 MAR 2023 Iran-Saudi Arabia Ties / China | Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to resume diplomatic ties and the effects are expected to be felt across the region | CGTN America
8 MAR 2023 UPDATE | Lula meddling in Nicaragua at US Biden’s behest after jointly condemning Russia | Orinoco Tribune ; 1 NOV 2022 Brazil | Lula wins Brazil election: Game-changer for BRICS and Latin America | Multipolarista
The US’ Hybrid War on Nicaragua that began in 2018 as punishment for President Daniel Ortega’s efforts to strengthen his Central American state’s sovereignty is entering a new phase after Brazilian President Lula da Silva just decided to participate in this regime change campaign.
6 MAR 2023 Proxy Ukraine / Russia | Russian rocket barrage wipes out Nazi’s Azov regiment command unit in Zaporizhzhia | Hindustan Times
20 FEB 2023 African Union / Africa | Bad Actors Turned Away | @2nacheki
19 FEB 2023 DR Congo / Africa | M23 rebels deny committing massacres, raping women in eastern DRC | SABC News

14 FEB 2023 Türkiye / Syria | Türkiye and Syria Earthquakes | The Heat
16 JAN 2023 US / Ukraine / Russia | The Plan To Carve Up Russia | Orinoco Tribune
This is precisely what some western countries –led by the US– strive for; to create an anti-Russian enclave & then threaten everyone else from this direction.
29 DEC 2022 US / GOP Duopoly BS | January 6 committee final report upholds “One-Man Coup” theory, whitewash of Republican Party, Supreme Court & military-intelligence agencies, 🙄🙄🙄 | Jacob Crosse, WSWS.org
15 DEC 2022 US / Ghana | Ghana President Calls African Presidents Beggars in a Summit Made for Begging from the US | Candid Africa, @2nacheki
11 DEC 2022 US / Argentina / Peru | 2 coups in 2 days | Multipolarista
Ben Norton discusses the judicial coup in Argentina against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner on December 6 and the congressional coup in Peru against Pedro Castillo on December 7.
7 DEC 2022 US / Ukraine / Russia | Germany claims coup attempt, but not really | Barron’s
According to German police 🙄, nationwide raids arrested 25 people suspected of “plotting” to overthrow the government (not in the actual act of overthrowing the gov’t). Sure.
28 NOV 2022 US / Ukraine / Russia | New Zealand government reaffirms support for US-NATO war against Russia | World Socialist Web Site
22 NOV 2022 US / Ukraine / Russia | Poland Bombing a False Flag Failure? Washington Quietens Calls for Article 5 (nuclear threat) | CN LIVE!
1 NOV 2022 US / Ukraine / Russia | ⛧Pentagon Confirms US Boots Are On The Ground In Ukraine | ZeroHedge
30 OCT 2022 US / Ukraine / Russia | ‘It’s done,’ Liz Truss messaged Anthony Blinken seconds after NordStream explosion | George Galloway
20 OCT 2022 US / Ukraine / Russia | British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after just six weeks in office | USA Today
17 OCT 2022 US Invades Haiti | Canadian, US Warplanes Land In Haiti With Military Equipment; Locals Warn Of ‘Foreign Invasion’ | The EurAsian Times
TYPICAL: U.N. Chief, Antonio Guterres calls for ‘armed action’ to reopen port in Haiti; A spokesman for the U.S. military’s Southern Command said he could not provide further details. Washington Using “Gang” Bogeyman to Justify Widely Rejected Military Intervention
17 OCT 2022 FU EU Nazi, part 2 | Africa Reacts to EU’s Claim that Europe is a Garden, Africa a Jungle to be Ruled & Weeded | @2nacheki
16 OCT 2022 FU EU Nazi, GTFOH | In racist, condescending rant, EU says Europe is ‘garden’ superior to rest of world’s barbaric ‘jungle’ | Multipolarista
13 OCT 2022 US / Ukraine / Russia | White House draws up blueprint for World War III | World Socialist Web Site
7 OCT 2022 Nazi GTFOH | Congressional leaders of both parties welcome members of neo-Nazi Azov Battalion to Washington | World Socialist Web Site
9 JUNE 2022 2 Years On, Politicos Have Done Nothing | Remembering the 2020 Black Lives Matter Uprising | The Left Lens
| 12 MAY 2022 The Democratic Party is the Achille’s Heel of the American Left | The Left Lens
| 20 MAY 2022 Clinton’s Role in Expanding Media Censorship & War EXPOSED | The Left Lens
| 28 MAR 2022 US / Ukraine / Russia | How the Democratic Party prepared the war in Ukraine | World Socialist Web Site
10 JULY 2022 Crisis UK; PM Boris Johnson OUT; the SRI Lanka PM has resigned, is revolution imminent in the Netherlands? | @GeorgeGalloway
7 JULY 2022 UK PM Boris Johnson OUT, FBI and MI5 Make Warning Over China | Left Lens
8 JULY 2022 🔥🔥🔥 Japan’s Former PM Shinzo Abe Assassinated – Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns | Dana Durnford
related: 8 JULY 2022 Japan’s ex-leader Shinzo Abe dies after being shot at during speech – BBC News
context: 22 SEP 2021 Horror !! U.S.A. lifts post-Fukushima import restrictions on Japanese Radioactive farm products
context: 24 JAN 2022 What Is The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Meltdowns ? – An Extinction Level Event !
9 JULY 2022 Sri Lanka | Protestors swim in presidential palace as Prime Minister resigns | Sky News
related; Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka President flees as protesters break into home; cool off in swimming pool I Hindustan Times
related; Sri Lanka | Protester’s storm Sri Lanka’s presidential palace in Colombo | DW News
10 JUNE 2022 DR Congo Attacked by U.S. Client States and Neo-Colonial Politics | Black Agenda Radio
| Democratic Republic of Congo is under attack from neighboring Rwanda & Uganda, acting on the direction of Washington & Europe.
20 MAY 2022 Biden INVADES Somalia, Reversing Donald Trump’s Africa Policy | Left Lens
18 MAY 2022 Biden INVADES Somalia | 2nackeki News
30 MAY 2022 Who Funds Terror Inc? | Renegade Inc.
10 APR 2022 Pakistan political crisis: Is the US Responsible? | The Economic Times
4 APR 2022 What’s behind Pakistan’s political crisis? | DW News
Knowledge Base | Archive
The Current Chaos Dynamic (chaos creates free will, sigh)
article: interview with Immanuel Wallerstein on capitalism’s chaos, bifurcation, free will & the historical role of the World Socialist Forum
& video: #NewWorldOrder | The War Hawks Come Home To Roost | “Chaos IS the endgame”, Comparative analysis: Leopold/DR Congo & Obama/Libya vis-à-vis Biden/Ukraine`
WCG-DC Analysis: The chaos dynamic created by Capitalism’s structural crisis significantly levels the free will playing field, i.e. the “Spirit of Davos” vis-à-vis the “Spirit of Porto Allegre”.
Expert Debate & Commentary
40 years on | US v China; Capitalism v Socialism | Economic Policy Comparative Analysis
Working Class is Currently in Worst Economic Shape Ever | Prof. Richard Wolff
**Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff is @Democracy At Work. Become an EU patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/economicupdate
Understanding China’s socialism | John Ross’s book “China’s Great Road”
The launch took place on 10 July 2021. The full video can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jlkWQa7MSY&t=0s
Economic Analysis
19 AUG 2021 Global Empire Explained | Michael Hudson
| Premiered Aug 20, 2021 video: Global Financial Empire Lecture, part 2; Cold War with Dr. Michael Hudson
| Premiered Aug 20, 2021 video: Global Financial Empire Lecture, part 3 with Dr. Michael Hudson
Commentary | Ukraine War (Economic)
| 29 APR 2022 video: #NewWorldOrder | Prof. Richard Wolff on War and Empire: Unintended Consequences
| 27 APR 2022 video: #NewWorldOrder | Russia, China, and the Post-Dollar World w/Pepe Escobar
| 19 APR 2022 video: #NewWorldOrder Ukraine, Sanctions, War | Richard Wolff & Katie Halper
| 29 MAR 2022 US-Ukraine Economic Fallout | CNLive!
Discussing these issues are two leading economists, Emeritus Prof. Michael Hudson, at University of Missouri–Kansas City and Prof. Richard Wolff, Emeritus Prof. of Economics at Mass Amherst.
Context | Capitalism’s Structural Crises
Confirmation | Chaos Dynamic
—Edgar Cayce reading 3976-19
Then if those in position to give of their means, their wealth, their education, their position, do not take these things into consideration, there must be that leveling that will come.
We sit, straddling two worlds, knowing we are to choose to act and operate as if we are in the new. What we see however, is distortion rising to the surface, because it can no longer be hidden. Lack of integrity can no longer hide behind a mask.
Confirmation | Efficacy of Activism
study: Black Lives Matter protests shift public discourse, IU research finds
Political Analysis
24 JUNE 2022 American Exception: Criminality of Empire & the Deep State w/historian Aaron Good | Multipolarista
The ‘Exceptional’ USA | Margaret Kimberley
Editor and Senior Columnist at Black Agenda Report | Analyzes the news from a black, left perspective.
First book‼ Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents, published by Steerforth Press on February 4, 2020. Kimberley is also a contributor to the OR Books anthology, In Defense of Julian Assange.
Commentary | US Politicos Re-Invest in Black Harm (both parties, in perpetuity)
| 26 APR 2022 video: Biden’s War on Russia FAILS to Deflect From Domestic and Foreign Policy Blunders
This donating money to Ukraine is the exact same as The Paris Accord, a massive money laundering operation.
| 23 MAR 2022 US strong-arm tactics causing alienation | Margaret Kimberley
| 23 MAR 2022 The Sad, Sad End of the ‘American’ Empire | The Left Lens
| 27 FEB 2022 Can the US Govern? | The Crises of the Left w/Dr. Anthony Monteiro
Commentary | Ukraine Nazism Exposed
| 10 MAY 2022 Ukraine Commemorates Day of Victory over Nazism using Photo of Soldier wearing Nazi Insigna, sigh
| 9 MAY 2022 Ukraine is Full of Nazis – Margaret Kimberly
Well this is awkward. Zelensky posted a photo to celebrate the defeat of Nazism but posted a photo of a soldier wearing symbols of you guessed it, the Nazis. Photo was deleted but the internet is forever. Remember this when someone tries to tell you that Nazi influence in Ukraine is just Putin’s propaganda.