We’re holding this year’s May Day rally during an unprecedented global crisis. The US and its NATO allies are rapidly escalating their war drive against Russia, threatening to trigger a nuclear world war. The COVID-19 pandemic remains out of control, having killed approximately 20 million globally. Prices for food, gas, and basic necessities are surging, ravaging workers’ living standards.
The Current Chaos Dynamic (chaos creates free will🤣)
WCG-DC Analysis: The chaos dynamic created by Capitalism’s structural crisis significantly levels the free will playing field, i.e. the “Spirit of Davos” vis-à-vis the “Spirit of Porto Allegre”.
article: interview with Immanuel Wallerstein on capitalism’s chaos, bifurcation, free will & the historical role of the World Socialist Forum
& video: #NewWorldOrder | The War Hawks Come Home To Roost | “Chaos IS the endgame”, Comparative analysis: Leopold/DR Congo & Obama/Libya vis-à-vis Biden/Ukraine`
At the same time, the working class and masses of people are launching strikes and demonstrations in country after country, from Sri Lanka to Peru, protesting inequality and the surging cost of living. With revolutionary explosions on the agenda, it’s absolutely critical that the internationalist, socialist perspective that will be presented at this year’s May Day reach the widest possible audience.