“You’re not like the rest of Gideon’s friends“, Linda said. “Most of them believe that if you are not hard at work then you are hard at sin“.
“Well“, says Harry, “I’m more modern in my ways. Ha, ha. Yeah. I don’t believe in sin. But there is good and evil. And evil is something that you work at“.
To Sleep With Anger (1990)
We Charge Genocide is the historic campaign to the United Nations to hold the United States accountable for genocide against Black people. We Charge Genocide – District of Columbia (WCG-DC) is an unfortunate renaissance, the next chapter of this traumatic American tradition.
We Charge the US, Germany and “Is(NOT)rael” with institutionalized ethnic cleansing, a pattern and a practice of genocide against people of African descent in the US.
👉They had it all planned. The real version of the narcissist is the person you see at the very end. The person that the narcissist presents in the beginning is not the person that they really are, because the person in the beginning that you met was wearing a mask | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone
Stop Raping Our Children In the Name of Jesus
May 9, 2024
Buck Breaking: Black DC 🦝 Cops Casually Rape Innocent Black Teenager as onlookers filmed the incident (White House Correspondence Dinner)
related- Satanism, Sodomy, & Trauma Based Mind Control | Mark Passio on the Freezone
We argue US police departments are agents of institutionalized ethnic cleansing.
‘Rats everywhere’
(have conclusively demonstrated oblique intent to maintain the state-sanctioned oppression of Black people with inhumane acts shielded by immunity from US law)
We Charge Genocide – DC actively defends against these atrocities & those who have committed them. Fact is, no matter what, these families will never see ultimate justice from so-called US government
— because US can’t give them their people back.
Road to DE MASK US
Error #26: Devotion to the heretical sacred heart
This is simply false, having no foundation in the Bible, yet why do Catholics accept this so blindly?
🔥related – Why the Narcissist Can’t Maintain the Mask | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone
******** Trigger Warning: This content includes topics such as assault, murder, trauma & discrimination. If necessary, we encourage you to refrain from viewing/listening to care for your safety and well-being. **********
New Year 2025 🔥 Forward
T.D. Jakes Ministries 2006
Criticize | Alexander O’Neal
Writer: Jellybean Johnson
Writer: Alexander O’Neal
Album: Hearsay 1987
Going Down Now 🔥 The Great Taking
🔥related – Why You Don’t Go Back Now or Ever | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone
❓❓Girlfriend, Woman to Woman, Why Don’t You
Shake the Dust Off Your Feet
🔥related – Moving your energy away from the narcissist | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone
Shake That Thing Off
–related Leaving the American Dream for Safety | Bible News Prophecy
–related Cost of Escaping America—The TRUTH About US Exit Tax | Nomad Capitalist
Shake It Off
God has called each of us to complete a unique assignment while we are on earth. However, He hasn’t called us to fight unnecessary battles! Using Jesus’ commissioning of the 70 disciples in Luke 10, Bishop T.D. Jakes highlights the importance of completing the tasks before us while casting off pointless weight and avoiding the enemy’s distractions.
T.D. Jakes Ministries 2015
29 DEC 2023 Genocide Convention Convened
🏆 South Africa v. Is(NOT)rael
- Champion: South Africa
- Leader: South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa
- Court: International Court of Justice in The Hague
- accepted & submitted December 29, 2023
- Israel faces Gaza genocide case
- ICJ’s decisions are final & without appeal – but the court has no way to enforce them
Status | 24 May 2024: ICJ orders Is(NOT)rael to IMMEDIATELY cease operations in Rafah
- Provisional Merits Stage
- President Ramaphosa addresses the nation after ICJ decision
- Status: Critical – ongoing, unabated genocide
- Is(NOT)rael is in violation of UN ruling, destruction continues;
- South Africa & BRICS nations are ongoing champions for Gaza.
- ICJ interim ruling finds that there IS a plausible case for genocide; orders provisional measures.
- ICJ has ordered Is(NOT)rael to take measures to prevent and punish direct incitement of genocide in the Gaza Strip. It must prevent destruction in the besieged enclave and ensure that basic needs are delivered in the strip.
- ICJ will not dismiss genocide case
- President Ramaphosa addresses the nation after ICJ decision
Don’t bring the mess in here | fair warning devils
Or what fellowship has light with darkness? Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? -2 Corinthians 6:14, KJV
| In Loving Memory
justice denied, no charges
O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? –Romans 7:24
Centuries ago, some Roman emperors were known to inflict the punishment of binding the corpse of a murder victim to the back of the murderer. To the Romans, the term “dead weight” referred to the practice of binding a dead body to a criminal.
Call It What It Is | Settler Satanic Nazi Genocide
Straight out of the Dark Ages, the settler colony known as the US is and has always been an occupying power. They are dangerous predators that want to destroy their victims’ lives. The US gov’t was founded by secret society Freemason satanists, which means the US was founded as a theocracy ruled by the devil. Before World War II democracy was tried as an experiment, for “white” settler men only. After World War II, the experiment was interrupted by German nazis (more satanists) who infiltrated the US government (through Operation Paperclip [photo] [video clip] & CIA Project MK ULTRA [video clip]) and killed President John F. Kennedy. By the 1970s, democracy was altogether abandoned by the settlers without much notice to the public (crisis of democracy [pdf], powell memorandum [pdf]). Today, the US is ruled by an amalgamation of secret society satanists. As a result, the US settlers inflict violence upon Black people as a function of its existence. The US settlers are as they have always been, colonized territories in North America, still controlled by the devil; a satanic, nazi theocracy.
Today is 1776.
We live in a clown world where everything is inverting. Evil is good. Debt is wealth. Men are women. War is peace.
“White People” settler origin story (it is not at all what you have been taught)
Black People Have Always Been Under Attack in America
This is why US police kill bipoc indiscriminately with immunity for their murderers. This is also why bipoc are denied education, health care, and even basic human rights for example. The entrenched idolatry of hatred against bipoc by the so-called US gov’t and their EU/NATO (‘white’ settler) so-called allies, which is re-enforced DAILY by international corporate-owned media, is the reason why anti-Blackness is a global thing. The incessant, irrational hatred of bipoc is the centerpiece of US scapegoat politics & the “American” (‘white‘ settler) culture in general; a bloody, public contact sport. The system was intentionally constructed to perform this way. In order to justify the brutality in their own minds, and in front of the world, US vehemently lies about everything (they have to convince everybody they have a right to kill bipoc).
No Happy Endings
US’ traditional domestic policy wheelhouse is apartheid; the “American” (‘white‘ settler) gov’t plans to keep it that way, in one degrading form or another, for as long as this country exists. When it comes to bipoc, the US enemy is running an occupation, apartheid, never a democracy (State of the Union, March 1, SSDD, the colonizers & their slave patrol circa 2022).
Nazi Joe’s Genocide Agenda
1 JUN 2020 Biden vows to set up police oversight board, if elected
11 APR 2021 Biden White House puts its police oversight commission on ice
1 MAR 2022 WATCH: ‘Fund the police,’ Biden says at State of the Union
Democrats refuse to deliver the mandate on which they were elected
That was the Beginning of the End | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone
Shush! #QuietPartLoud 😶
Satanic DC💀Demonic City
Burn in Hell Forever
related | Empire of the 3 Cities (the Crown, the Vatican, Washington DC) (video clip);
related | The Pagan Entities Ruling America (video clip)
Research Archive 🔥 The Great Taking
Hyperinflation Entitlements … Social Security, Medicare, Pensions
Hyperinflation Debt Strategy … Real Estate
–related | Modern Hyper- and High Inflations | Journal of Economic Literature
Hyperinflation Horror … Boots on the Ground
Middle East
– related Lebanon: Extreme Poverty, Corruption and Soaring Inflation | Java Discover
South America
– related In Venezuela, 1 oz of Silver Will Feed a Family for 3 Months (2021) | r/Wallstreetsilver
| Lebanon’s Currency Collapse & Hyperinflation is a Wake Up Call for Us All | maneco64
Put A Guard on Your Heart: The Black Boule
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. -Ephesians 5:11, KJV
This information is for followers of Jesus Christ, aimed at clarifying why secret societies should be avoided & encouraging a stronger commitment to Biblical teachings.
| Special Report: The Boule’ 🦝 Secret Society – The Black Gatekeepers of the Global Luciferian Order
The Boule represents the weakest element of Black people. They often pose as freedom fighters on the surface. They are used by “white” settlers to keep Black people oppressed while rewarding the members with money. A grotesque renaissance of the house negro, they have a vested interest in protecting the white settler system. They do not want to see us come up.
WCG commentary: I used to work with a lady who was an Eastern Star Mason, and in college the “Q’s” say “the wood is good” we didn’t know they were not talking about Q dog paddle either, just disgusting. There were also groups
“” The Elks “” … “”The Cub (Boy) Scouts“”… Some went to “” JACK & JILL PARTIES “” in H.S… also Junior Fraternity Groups… Each state had several but different groups…
related – Steve Cokely Exposed “The Black Boule” (video)
related – Steve Cokely Exposes the Boule Fraternities & Who They Work For (video)
related – The Black Boule, Rich Elite Homosexual Secret Society paid to destroy Marcus Garvey (article)
related – The Black ‘Skull and Bones’ – “The Boule” (article)
related – Luciferic Project: Birmingham, Jefferson County & the Ghoul System, Boule Goatmen , Queen Bee & Judge Alan Lamar King (article)
related – Rickey Smiley Admits To Colluding With Steve Harvey & D.L. Hughley To Promote Agendas (video begins @ 14:00)
related – Killer Cops From Memphis Scorpion Unit, charged with Tyre Nichols murder, Were Q’s
all these motherfuckers need to burn in hell… im sick of this shit https://t.co/nCDE4zOrA5
— Jake Paul (@jakepaul) May 29, 2020
It’s sad and sick that they are fighting against us, killing us…
Sigma Pi Phi – Buck Breaking for Baphomet
Who is Working For the Narcissist | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone
Why Gaslighting is so Damaging | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone
🔥related – The Pagan Entities Ruling America
🔥related – What is the Masonic Plan for 2025?
🔥related – “Star Athletes”, MK Ultra/Monarch Programming and the Black Boule (🚨horrific)
🔥related – Survivor of Masonic Satanic Ritual Abuse (Eastern Star, Freemasons & cops) Gives Full Detailed Testimony (🚨horrific, pray)
The Black Boule are the elite “Blacks” who believe that they control the “ordinary black people”. The wicked, sadistic, privileged elite inflicting pain on the masses and enjoying every sick moment of their deception, inflicting death, pain, misery and suffering on the people.
Black Greek lettered fraternities and sororities are in fact reproductions of white collegiate satanic secret societies. Black Greek secret societies are collegiate societies (“skull & bones” aka “order of death” origin story), “kindred kind” to Freemasons and Eastern Stars, institutionalized satanism in defense of white supremacy, a part of master race development.
related – Kamala Harris aide, 2 others arrested for allegedly running fake bizarre occult ‘Masonic Fraternal Police Department’ (video)
related – Kamala Harris and the ‘Masonic Fraternal Police Department’ (article)
Any person trying to help Blacks free themselves from the violence are targeted by The Boule for destruction. Tupac and Pimp C were both targeted by Boule members. The Boule is not hidden like it used to be, its members publicly abuse other black people through the police, the entertainment industry, the politicians and the professions. Understand that all black “leaders” white america gave us, actually had an allegiance with white supremacy. They are keeping Black people enslaved.
😘 NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone
🔥related – When the Pawn Becomes THE Queen
🔥related – Going from Being Controlled to Being in Control
Remember all of these people are going to Hell
Ever wonder why these 🤡🤡🤡 are so abusive and selfish❓ By their own choice they have sold their souls to these strange ‘gods’ (demons) for money and power. Their only job is to lead others astray and take as many people to Hell with them as they possibly can.
CONCLUSION (Posted by Mark Wells):
We, the people, have been handed cultural, political and religious belief systems used to great advantage by these generational Satanists and lying collectives.
These elite systems promote dissension, division, hatred, bigotry and war. According to the ruling powers, people are objects that need to be controlled. Therefore, we have men and women in high places that are soulless and beyond the reach of normal reasoning processes.
We have an ancient enemy with a large collection of demonic assistants. The evil elite has had a good run. Though they may be certain skin colors, certain nationalities and creeds, they are apart from you and me. They have long ago abdicated any and all connections to a shared humanity.
| Analyses & Commentary of Interest to Black Lives
Keep the Devil Where He Belongs — Under Your Feet
Are you tired of the devil blocking your way and causing all kinds of disruptions and problems in your life, such as problems in your relationships, financial woes, health problems or nuclear war?
How would you like to lift your foot high and then slam it down as hard as you can on top of the devil — pounding, hammering, trouncing, crushing, and smattering him to bits under your feet?
Does that sound like something you wish you could do?
And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly…
— Romans 16:20
🔥related – Don’t Let Them Back In | NARCDAILY -You Are Not Alone
Is Neoliberalism (the current Spirit of Capitalism) actually the Spirit of Babylon?
Character of Neoliberalism | You’re a Slave to the Money, Then You Die
Character of the Colonizer | Spirit of Capitalism
Character of the Beast | Spirit of Babylon
WCG-DC Hard Pass: Miss me with Marx since he was a Satanist. We reject Marxism because his work “desires to draw the whole of mankind into the pit reserved for the devil and his angels” [Marx: Prophet of Darkness, Wurmbrand, pg. 14]. (Marx, a freemason, openly admits it, Marx and Satan & Marx: Prophet of Darkness, both by Richard Wurmbrand).
This is their truth & the reason they lie so much. Christians have always been “Aunt Sally Mae”, but not anymore. Not putting up with your crap anymore, lying pagans.
Denial is not a river in Egypt.
Racism is Terrorism: Every Day in the USA is a Sick Farce of Random Attacks & Mass Murder of Black People
Protestants & Freemasons are the US/American colonizers responsible for all the genocide and slavery.
A teepee has gone up blocking construction of the Thacker Pass Lithium Mine. Land Defenders Arrested, Camp Raided.
The arrest, harassment, targeting, and removal of Native People from the land is a violation of Executive Order 13007 and the American Indian Religious Freedom Act and a continuation of 500-year government genocide and erasure of native people, traditional lands, biodiversity, and water protectors from Standing Rock and beyond.
“I AM OX SAM” said Diné Woman Protector of Ox Sam Camp who was arrested after being asked to ID herself
This Diné water protector was arrested on Wednesday at the direction of Lithium Nevada security after giving her name as “Ox Sam,” survivor of the 1865 Thacker Pass massacre who rode his horse away from the US Cavalry as they killed his family. Descendants of Ox Sam founded the camp.
She was transported to Humboldt County Jail, where she was charged with criminal trespass and resisting arrest, then released on bail.
In a country where there are more than 5,295 missing Indigenous women and girls, violence against native women is real and present danger. The real number of missing or murdered Indigenous women is probably far higher.
Locals near Thacker Pass have reported that Lithium Nevada employees and contractors are asking “where are the pretty girls at?”
With more than 1,000 workers headed into the area, local Tribal and non-native communities are facing increases in violence, drug use, sexual assault, and trafficking.
Bring your medicines, bring your prayers & good thoughts. Grandmother says this is the start of a new camp.
UPDATES: Live from Ox Sam Camp at Peehee Mu’huh (Thacker Pass)
Paiute and Shoshone are resisting a foreign mining company, Lithium Americas of Vancouver, Canada, destroying the land where Paiute were massacred.
“The Biden administration says it has completed a court-ordered review that should ensure construction continues at a Nevada lithium mine, despite legal challenges brought by conservationists and tribal leaders.”
Biden & Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s Bureau of Land Management, BLM, issued the permit, even though it violates federal laws — including laws protecting Native American burial places, and environmental laws protecting endangered species.
11 JUNE 2023 The Arrest and Raid at Ox Sam Camp at Thacker Pass
6 JUNE 2023 Descendants of Ghost Dancers Protect Paiute Massacre Site from Canada’s Lithium
21 MAY 2023 Paiute Protector Served with Restraining Order Defending Massacre Site at Thacker Pass
19 MAY 2023 Second Tipi Goes Up to Protect Paiute Massacre Site from Lithium Mine
18 MAY 2023 Ox Sam Camp, Thacker Pass Day 8: Protecting Paiute Sacred Place from Lithium Mine
17 MAY 2023 “It’s a good day to disobey. Come stand with us at Ox Sam Camp.”
15 MAY 2023 Paiute Massacre Site Defenders Prepare for Restraining Order
We Charge Genocide – DC actively defends against these atrocities & those who have committed them. Because, the fact is, no matter what, these families will never see ultimate justice
— because they can’t get their people back.
******** Trigger Warning: This content includes topics such as assault, murder, trauma & discrimination. If necessary, we encourage you to refrain from viewing/listening to care for your safety and well-being. **********
| Repugnant – FBI, CIA & Foreign Meddling
Real Threat to “Democracy”? Democrat Sheep Dogs Weaponize FBI to Scuttle Dissent from Below | Ajamu Baraka, BAR editor
related– 26 MAY 2023 The Durham Report and the FBI | Black Agenda Radio with Margaret Kimberley
related– 18 MAY 2023 Durham report reveals the real threat to “democracy” – The FBI weaponized by Democrat Party affiliated elites | MR Online
FBI Informant Tries To Lure BLM Activist Into AG Assassination | Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey
More ⛧👹⸸ policing, more crime? | The Real News Network
FBI Used Pink-Haired Undercover To Entrap Racial Justice Activists | Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey
Iran flaunts new ‘Paveh’ cruise missile, ‘Will kill Trump first’ | Hindustan Times
Africa Needs a Continental Criminal Court to Prosecute the West for Crimes Against Humanity | @2nacheki
The FBI are political police. Their mission is to protect the capitalist state and status quo. Counterintelligence is a dirty game. If activists had not stolen documents that revealed the counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO) against the Black liberation movement and other left forces, we would have never known about it and charges of FBI illegality directed at our movement would have been met with charges that the allegations were indicative of discredited “conspiracy theories.”
Ajamu Baraka
| DC arming rage, hate, mass murder by ⛧👹⸸ cop
| DMV vile “white” (racist) attacks on Black people
23 NOV 2022 Washington DC 1134 AM ··· – from independent eye witness
Cathedral Heights. Apparently this man was her Uber driver and is seen getting verbally and physically assaulted by this woman.
23 NOV 2022 Washington DC 1134 AM ··· – from the driver’s perspective
Driver denied request to use phone charger. She repeatedly hurls vile racist slurs.
WCG-DC Operates in Support of Black Lives
Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. Black Lives Matter-DC is a member based abolitionist organization centering Black people most at risk for state violence in DC, creating the conditions for Black Liberation through the abolition of systems and institutions of white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy and colonialism. We Charge Genocide-DC is Black Lives Matter, a sector of the global movement, supporting Black Lives & Black Lives Matter allies through United Nations actions.
Allies | Current Struggles
Black Lives Matter D.C.
Stand in solidarity with the families of Deon Kay, Karon Hylton-Brown, An’Twan Gilmore, DeAndre Johnson & Alaunte Scott to DEMAND justice!
Don’t forget to sign our petition and share it widely! You can use this media kit to get the word out on social media.
Deon Kay, 18 | DC Police Admit Killing of 18-year-old Deon Kay was Unjustified but ‘Justify’ it Anyway
Karon Hylton-Brown, 20 | Officers Indicted in Karon Hylton-Brown’s Death
An’Twan Gilmore, 27 | DC MPD officers kill An’Twan Gilmore while he slept in his own car
DeAndre Johnson, 30 | DC police kill DeAndre Johnson
Alaunte Scott, 22 | Killed by US Marshals
Lakota Peoples Law Project
| ‘Brackeen v. Haaland‘ | ICWA Seeks to Terminate Indigenous Existence (Texas so EVIL 💩)
"Oyate" elevates the voices of Indigenous activists, organizers, and politicians as we offer our perspectives on colonial history, contextualize the #NoDAPL movement, and move toward a more sustainable and sovereign future. 500 pre-orders could put "Oyate" on the front page of iTunes and significantly boost its exposure. Please order your copy, and share this message with your family and friends.
| Free Leonard Peltier (Indigenous Activist)‼
‘Black Voters Matter’ Stage in D.C.
💖Black Lives Matter Ally, Support Lakota Law! action.lakotalaw.org/action/donate
Actions | Current, let’s get it on
Update 11 MAR 2023: ‘Cop City’ Activist Tortuguita Had Hands Up When Fatally Shot By Police
“Manuel’s left and right hands show exit wounds in both palms. The autopsy further reveals that Manuel was most probably in a seated position, cross-legged when killed,” according to the release.
Clergy call on city of Atlanta to stop ‘Cop City’ construction
6 MAR 2023 Faith leaders and members of the clergy, both local and from across the country, held a press conference to call on Mayor Andre Dickens and the Atlanta City Council to stop the destruction of the South River Forest for the construction of a police training center.
The activists also called for the cancelation of a lease to the Atlanta Police Foundation for use of the property. The training center has been dubbed “cop city” by activists.
#StopCopCity | Cop City Burns
Update 9 MAR 2023: Mvskoke Ceremonial leaders evict cops from homelands & demand justice for the assassination of Tortuguita
Andre Dickens and deliver an eviction letter.
“Cop city cannot be built at all. As the original relatives of this land and as ceremonial Mvskoke people, we stand in solidarity with the Black residents of Atlanta in opposition to continued genocide via cop city,”
HBCU Students, Faculty Take On ‘Cop City’
6 MAR 2023 Morehouse & Spelman students is the latest group protesting the development of Atlanta’s “Cop City.” They fear the police facility will produce a hardened, militarized force, and expressed those fears during a forum at Morehouse College. “We are here to discuss a system that is historically and continuously oppressing our community. We are here to address the construction of a mass police training center in Atlanta,” one of the student protesters said to applause.”
Manuel Esteban Paéz Terán killed by Georgia State Troopers
#StopCopCity | No Police Militarization Base in South River Forest
16 JUNE 2022 US activists hole up in treehouses to block $90m ‘Cop City’
8 JUNE 2022 Protesters continue to fight Atlanta-area police training facility
17 MAY 2022 Protesters arrested after throwing Molotov cocktails at APD during protest
Matthew Johnson is a minister, an activist & Interim Executive Director at Beloved Commune.
18 AUG 2022 Determined Coalition Sustains Fight to Nix Atlanta “Cop City”
With the police training facility set to decimate Atlanta’s forestland, a coalition of abolitionists and environmentalists are sustaining the struggle. The new training facility, an existential threat to Atlanta’s civilians & wild life, would only exacerbate Atlanta’s and America’s policing problem.
29 JULY 2022 In Atlanta, plan for ‘Cop City’ sparks a web of resistance
Actions | Chronic Defense Initiatives
status | Canada Enbridge Genocide @Line 3
On Aug. 11, 39-year-old Jessica Reznicek entered a federal women’s prison in Waseca, Minnesota, to begin an eight-year sentence for damaging pieces of machinery involved in construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
UN press release (11 AUG 2021) UN experts call for an end to police brutality worldwide
In 2017, 80 Republicans and 4 Democrats asked the Justice Department to prosecute Jessica Reznicek and the Valve Turners as terrorists. Last year, in an unprecedented move, the U.S. Department of Justice answered the call and applied a terrorism enhancement to Jessica’s case, doubling her sentence to 8 years. This tactic by the federal government echoes the Green Scare. Unless we organize and resist this will set a dangerous precedent for all in the struggle for climate & social justice.
Please sign the petition calling on The White House and Congress to reverse this precedent! Already signed? Find more ways to support here.
status | Justice for Shireen Abu Akleh
🆕21 SEPT 2022 New probe finds Israeli forces deliberately killed Shireen Abu Akleh Unseen footage put together by forensic experts finds that Israeli soldiers deliberately killed the Palestinian-American Al Jazeera senior correspondent and stopped civilians from trying to help.
7 AUG 2022 Elbit: Merchants of death and surveillance in Palestine and the Tohono O’odham Nation Elbit Systems’ weapons & surveillance murdered six Palestinian children during Israeli airstrikes on Gaza. Now, U.S. Border Patrol agents stalk vulnerable O’odham women & children, within the Tucson sector, where Border Patrol agents have been arrested for serial rape.
The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)
Though Israel killed Shireen Abu Akleh, her blood is also on the hands of the enablers, funders and defenders of apartheid, primarily the US, EU, UK, Canada and Australia.
It’s high time for the UN to investigate Israeli apartheid and to impose proportional, legal and targeted sanctions to dismantle it, as was done against apartheid South Africa.
18 AUG 2022 Abu Akleh killing: 100 days on, family still fighting for justice
Absence of a US investigation into the Palestinian American reporter’s killing by Israel shows a ‘lack of accountability’, family says.
24 JUNE 2022 ICC is a joke (the West is openly paying for a contracted trial)
26 MAY 2022 Al Jazeera Network to send Shireen Abu Akleh murder case to ICC
✊Documenting the War on Black People is Resistance✊
US arming rage, hate, mass murder by ⛧👹⸸ cop
17 OCT 2022 UPDATE Brothers arrested by MHP in viral video sentenced to jail time
14 AUG 2022 UPDATE Mississippi trooper cleared in probe of chokehold video
5 AUG 2022 McComb, MS; Mississippi 👿 Highway Patrol beating an unarmed, handcuffed Eugene Lewis, a black man, before pulling a gun & arresting his two brothers, Packer and Darius Lewis, who recorded the beating.
US vile “white” (racist) attacks on Black people
Yesterday my 16-year-old brother was racially profiled in a neighborhood in Sanford Florida, the same city as Trayvon Martin. They tried to throw a brick at his head, And missed. He didn’t deserve to be threatened with harm & then attacked by an angry mob of old white bigots.
We nominated this rancid evil bigot in the Most Pathetic Coward of The Year Category
Black children are not safe in a world ruled by white supremacy (article) and bigotry’s underlying disdain for Black people | Monique Judge
MF Him & John Wayne | viral video, Wisconsin ‘white‘ cop attempted murder of 12-year-old Black child, SSDD, public toxic spectacle
Wisconsin Officer Shawn Guetschow, working part-time as a security officer for the Kenosha Wisconsin Unified School District, in a viral video showing him putting his knee on the neck of a 12-year-old girl at Lincoln Middle School on March 4, 2022. Guetschow is still employed by the police department and is currently on desk duty amid the investigation
7 FEB 2023 Update Guetschow was returned to active duty status on Jan. 31, 2023.
Wisconsin Officer Shawn Guetschow, putting his knee on the neck of a 12-year-old girl, attempted murder.
SPLC monitor hate groups and other extremists throughout the United States to expose their activities to the public, the media and so-called “law enforcement”.
Hundreds of years of unchallenged, unbridled racism, corrupt policing & increasingly militarized police, play out with devastating consequences for black communities.
Southern Poverty Law Center is a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements & advance the human rights of all.
In US ‘white‘ culture, ‘white‘ police murder & attempted murder has been normalized and weaponized against bipoc children & the disabled in particular, the direct result of US government’s division of humanity. We argue, as it relates to bipoc, “US law enforcement” is a hate group/terrorist organization in both ideology and policy.
WCG-DC commentary
7 FEB 2023, update; Family files lawsuit against Kenosha officer accused of kneeling on 12-year-old girl’s neck; Wisconsin banned the use of police chokeholds in June 2021 except in life-threatening situations or when a police officer has to defend themselves. Chokeholds include various neck restraints. “Guetschow had multiple opportunities to remove his knee from Jane Doe’s neck and failed to do so,” the complaint alleges. “Guetschow’s use of a chokehold and the duration of the chokehold was an unreasonable and unlawful use of force.”
13 MAY 2022, update; Wisconsin schoolgirl charged after off-duty cop knelt on her neck while breaking up fight
23 MAR 2022, update; Kenosha WI cop Shawn Guetschow placed on ‘desk duty’ while department investigates knee-on-neck, off-duty assault of child
article: Family of 12-year-old girl vows legal action against Kenosha Wisconsin officer accused of kneeling on daughter’s neck, March 16, 2022
Gospel of Jesus Christ
Inspiration | Bishop T D Jakes
Courage in a Crisis
Nothing Just Happens
UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review
41st Session Begins November 2022 (Timetable yet TBD)
40th Session Begins January 24, 2022
UPR Working Group sessions | Stakeholders’ submissions deadline | National reports deadline | Addenda to UPR WG reports deadlines | Countries |
40th session (Jan./Feb. 2022) | 15 July 2021 | 11 October 2021 | April / June 2022 (tentative) | Togo, Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Iceland, Zimbabwe, Lithuania, Uganda, Timor-Leste, Republic of Moldova, Haiti, South Sudan |
* States under review have a possibility to choose between two deadlines for submission of their position on UPR recommendations in the form of an addendum to the report of the UPR Working Group. The first deadline is set to ensure the translation of addenda in the UN official languages before the adoption of the UPR outcomes by the HRC plenary. The second deadline is for submission of addenda for processing in the original language only.
Stakeholders – civil society organizations, national human rights institutions and regional mechanisms – should follow the technical guidelines for stakeholders submissions for the 3rd cycle issued by OHCHR, to send written contributions to UPR documentation.
Stakeholders’ submissions should be sent – according to the deadlines below – through the “On-line UPR submissions registration system” to register contributions for the UPR documentation from UN entities and stakeholders available in the following link: https://uprdoc.ohchr.org.
Stakeholders should follow the Guidelines for the Use of the On-Line UPR Submissions Registration System” available in the Online system.
Jackass Archive: ethnic cleansing & intimidation on steroids
Yes, we already know that Chicago PD is a serial-killing genocide machine. (WCG Chicago 2014)
Capital Riot Unfinished Business: The Elephant in the Room - Ginni Thomas
update: 24 March 2022 Clarence Thomas’ wife Ginni ‘urged Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows to overturn the election’
A look at the rumors swirling around Ginni Thomas. By KATHRYN RUBINO Jan 11, 2021
Hoo boy. We’re all still trying to unpack what happened last Wednesday when right-wing fanatics launched an assault on the Capitol. Participants are being identified, consequences are being had and arrests are being made.
January 6th will now be known as a dark day in our history. As I’ve said before, there’s plenty of blame to go around, and it’s important to know exactly who did what. Like how Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, expressed her “LOVE” to the demonstrators just a few hours before the violent insurrection began. (Days later she amended the post to add “[Note: written before violence in US Capitol].”)
Over at Slate, Mark Joseph Stern details Ginni Thomas’s support of the rioters. Ginni has long been active politically (and she has no problem hiring controversial right wingers known for saying “I HATE BLACK PEOPLE”). She currently runs a conservative advocacy group, and from the very beginning of Trump’s term, she’s been looking to organize around his agenda.
Capital Riot: Cops & Armed White Militia Target Blacks Residents
Capital Riot: Dirty Cops and Double Standards
Capital Riot Unfinished Business: WTF Congress?