DR Congo: 20 Students yet to leave Ukraine, 223 evacuated safely

The government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has announced that it has evacuated at least 223 of its citizens out of Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion, according to local media, thanks to diplomatic and consular efforts .

Meanwhile, the families of the children remain worried back at home.

“We have heard that the Congolese government is going to intervene so that the children come back,” she said. “But, unfortunately, as the days go by, nothing is done.”

Solange Kahindo, a resident of Goma, said she had been unable to reach her children Djodjo Katanga and Kasereka Katanga, both students in Ukraine. After the war broke out in the country, they informed her that they were able to cross into Poland, but there was total silence after that. She added that life in DRC was not good due to war, and that was why they sent the children to study in Ukraine, unfortunately, to face war again.

“I’m afraid because I don’t know where my son is,” she said, after trying to call Alain Chirimwami and sending him messages repeatedly. “Now I spend all day in front of the television following the news and hoping that there will be any news about him,”. Another woman, Faida Ntantine, whose son has been missing since crossing into Poland, shared similar concerns.

Foreign Minister Jean-Claude Gakosso said there were still some 20 students who were yet to leave Ukraine but stressed that the government was working to get them out of the country.

article: This war started when the Ukrainian government began bombing homes in Donbass! A civil war began in Ukraine in 2014 after the majority Russian-speaking Donbass region containing two provinces, Donetsk and Lugansk, began breaking away from Ukraine after witnessing the neo-Nazi & nationalist-infused Maidan protests. The provinces announced their secession as independent republics after holding successful referenda. The 2015 Minsk agreements were intended to end the fighting. However, the Ukrainian government has violated the 2015 Minsk agreements to appease  nationalists & neo-Nazis. Before this current military operation ever began, more than 14,000 people have been killed in the eastern Ukrainian region and 1.5 million have been displaced.