2021.05.20 The Great Lakota Nation disrupts Govenor Kristi Noem’s ’round dance’

PIERRE, South Dakota (20 MAY 2021) Read the full article Cultural Genocide, The Great Lakota Nation disrupts Govenor Kristi Noem’s ’round dance’

PIERRE, South Dakota (20 MAY 2021) Read the full article Gov. Kristi Noem’s tribal dance at South Dakota Statehouse presses on, despite protesters

CTTC+ Special Report: Pierre SD Kristi Noem ’round dance’

A ceremonial “round dance” hosted by Gov. Kristi Noem on the state capitol grounds was briefly interrupted on Thursday, May 20, by indigenous protesters. Lakota’s disrupt South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s for “killing grandmothers and grandfathers”, after the South Dakota Governor blocked virus protection efforts. Over a loud speaker, Lakotas blasted, “Kristi Noem is no friend of native people”.

The Round Dance is a symbol of grief, loss, and the circle of pain for Lakotas.

As pale police pushed them back from the Capital during the round dance, Lakotas called out “You’re dancing for racism”.

We are here today in so called peirre, sd Oceti Sakowin, Turtle Island at so-called governor Kristy Noems powwow intended to fool the people. Kristy Noem is a trickster weaving her web of deceit. She is not a friend of the tribes.

She uses lies to play the people. She uses lies to prey on the people and the land. She causes division and lateral violence.