
Context | Current Aggressions

28 MAY 2022 ‘I can’t breathe’: How Manuel Ellis was killed by police | https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2022/5/25/i-cant-breathe-how-manuel-ellis-was-killed-by-police

18 APR 2022 Seattle Police use-of-force incidents hit record low | https://www.thecentersquare.com/washington/seattle-police-use-of-force-incidents-hit-record-low/article_83d65874-bf71-11ec-9ec2-c33885de0ba5.html


27 OCT 2021 Washington state BLM demands resignation of sheriff charged with lying about Black news carrier | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/blm-demands-resignation-white-sheriff-charged-lying-black-news-carrier-rcna3950

20 OCT 2021 A Washington state sheriff is facing criminal charges after incident with Black newspaper delivery driver | https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/19/us/pierce-county-sheriff-criminal-charges-black-newspaper-delivery-driver-incident/index.html

5 AUG 2021 Former cop awaiting trial for rape while on duty, arrested on separate rape charges | https://wjla.com/news/nation-world/former-cop-awaiting-trial-for-rape-while-on-duty-arrested-on-separate-rape-charges

9 JUNE 2021 Families, advocates honor Washingtonians killed by police | https://wechargegenocidedc.com/2021/06/09/fawkthepolice-families-advocates-honor-washingtonians-killed-by-police/


In Progressmomentum; WASHINGTON: (as of May 2021)

House Bill 1054 – working on tear gas use

Senate Bill 5066 – awaiting Gov’s signature

House Bill 1267 – passed, creation of a state office of investigation for serious use-of-force incidents

Senate Bill 5259 – passed, creates a statewide use-of-force database

– does address2) use of lethal force, 8) creation of a statewide use-of-force database, 9) create system of certification/decertification standards

– does not address 1) systemic racism, 2) use of lethal force, 3) qualified immunity, 4) ‘pretext’ stops, 5) ‘militarisation’ of policing, 6) Fourth Amendment rights of black people (minorities) to be secure in their persons, houses and effects from unreasonable searches and seizures, 7) excessive force/police brutality (use-of-force tactics)8) creation of a statewide use-of-force database, 9) create system of certification/decertification standards

– in progress7) excessive force/police brutality (use-of-force tactics) – House Bill 1054, Senate Bill 5066