🚔#AbolishThePolice: Stop Valorizing Black Cops

Read the full article We Have To Stop Valorizing Black Cops @BlackAgendaReport

The purpose of policing––to jail and kill Black folks––remains the same regardless of the officers’ race. “Allowing Black people into inherently racist systems does not make those systems better, safer, or more equitable.”

Following the May 25th murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, the term “defund the police” has become a rallying cry for thousands across the country. Six months later, however, America has not defunded its police force––and in fact, has in some cases taken steps to give police departments even more money. Instead, police forces across America have taken an insidious approach: painting their departments in blackface.

Focusing on singular, isolated moments of racism wherein white cops are painted as cruel and Black cops are the sympathetic victims grossly oversimplifies the narrative of structural racism that modern American policing was built upon. After hearing these slurs that they were allegedly so disgusted by, these Black cops still intentionally chose to put on their badge, don their guns, and work alongside these white police officers who insulted and demeaned them, laboring under a violent system with the sole purpose of harming and terrorizing Black and low-income communities.