🚔#FawkDCPolice: Community Group Demands Police Accountability in 1993 Killing of Archie Elliott III

“The police who killed my son got away with murder,” Dorothy Elliott said. A mother is seeking justice almost 30 years after her son was shot and killed by Prince George’s County police. She has joined activists in a coalition named in her son’s honor, asking Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Aisha Braveboy to reinvestigate the case.

PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY MD ( 10 JUNE 2021) Read the full article Community Group Demands Police Accountability in 1993 Killing of Archie Elliott III

Elliott died still handcuffed.

“Our coalition demands that the police who killed my son be fired and charged with murder,” Elliott said.

In 1993, 24-year-old Archie Elliott III was stopped for suspected DUI. He was only wearing shorts when he was searched, handcuffed behind his back and placed in a squad car. Moments later police fired almost two dozen times, saying he had pointed a gun at them.

A grand jury decided there was not enough evidence to charge the officers who shot her son.